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I'd imagine access to computers and broadband wouldn't come from your typical Third World countries. 

I don't have erection problems but long before I started cycling, I have known from my training that any form of injury to the perineum has deleterious effects on erection.Divorce, murder and suicide! Where did that come from? I thought we were talking about saddles and numbness.
I often wondered why the stage winners et al in the TDF etc looked so disintersted in the young ladies handing out the pressies, now I know why!
Gbola, I'll understand if you didn't answer this, but may I ask if you're talking with specific experience of this problem relating to saddles?
Are you joking or serious?I've already been to my GP who has referred me to my LBS. I've got an appointment on 18 December.
The high rate of population growth in ''the third world'' has to do with poverty, poor education, culture and lack of widespread availability of contraception not the frequency of sex.I'd imagine access to computers and broadband wouldn't come from your typical Third World countries.![]()
Spilled my tea.Erection represent a distinct symbol of masculinity. A very important symbol for young men. Erectile dysfunction leads to marriage break up, infidelity which can lead to murder, depression and suicide. It is ethically and morally wrong to prescribe erection as a form of contraception. These 'people in the third world' have sex as the only form of enjoyment they can afford (they don't have to buy it). Do you want to deprive them of that as well? Have you looked at the articles on internet pornographic hits. None of the top countries is from your typical ''third world''.
Medical training?I don't have erection problems but long before I started cycling, I have known from my training that any form of injury to the perineum has deleterious effects on erection.
YesMedical training?
I'd imagine if you have fifteen kids then I reckon you've had sex at least 14 times (one set of twinsThe high rate of population growth in ''the third world'' has to do with poverty, poor education, culture and lack of widespread availability of contraception not the frequency of sex.
Go on.
The main reason why prostate surgery could not be as radical as possible is because of the potential damage to these nerves controlling erection and incontinence.Go on.
MMMM. I bow to your knowledge of Third World social issues. However, you've inadvertently stepped into my sphere of expertise. Namely the benefit cheating council estate Jeremy Kyle watching scroat. They have dozens of kids and have a Range Rover parked outside their council house because they get a fortune for their kids and get free everything. Their white van man boyfriend lives with them unbeknown to the authorities and pays for their lavish lifestyle. Their laminate flooring may be 3 inches shy of the skirting board and is full of hair but the important matters being the widescreen T.V., broadband, cream coloured leather settee, X-Box live, parrot, dog, cat, reptiles, tatoos, McDonalds every night, cars (Range Rover/Subaru/Merc or BMW) are all the trappings of "success" they care about. Believe me, dozens of kids here is a career choice and they have plenty of cash to spend on their kids.It has been shown clearly that even in the ''third world countries'', the educated tend to have small number of children (2 or 3) while the uneducated still have large number of children; just as it is in Britain where the professionals and the middle class families tend to have no or few children but those of lower socioeconomic class (those on benefit etc) tend to have higher numbers of children. The main determining factor seems to be maintaining your standard of living and trying to make sure that your children have at least the same or higher levels of standard living. Less children less to cater for and more funds to spend on each child.
I meant "Go on, what is your medical training relevant to the topic being discussed?"The main reason why prostate surgery could not be as radical as possible is because of the potential damage to these nerves controlling erection and incontinence.
Anything that would reduce perineal injury should be welcome. It should be tested and be proven to be useless before being discarded with the wave of a hand as some posters here would like.
In modern medicine, 'expert opinion' is at the lowest hierarchy of evidence based practice. No matter the experience and skills of a single surgeon, his opinion is his personal experience and for it to be accepted worldwide, studies have to be carried out. No matter your expertise in cycling it is still your personal experience. It is not a piece of research.