Deleted member 1258
This still remains your individual experience, not scientific evidence. Meanwhile, erectile dysfunction and infertility/fertility are two different things, please don't mix them up. It is only the woman who is sure of the father of her children
If a couple are having children it needs both to function, if one is not functioning they wont have children, not without the help of the fertility clinic. If the women is having an affair the marriage wont last.
If the saddle is causing erectile dysfunction it's set up wrong - nose far too high.
Long before causing dysfunction, you'd have noticed pins and needles and general numbness in the area concerned. Don't ask me how I know this...
It's an utter non-story pushed by makers of peculiar saddles, and it comes out every so often, usually after oval chainrings and before L-shaped cranks.
It is, (if you'll pardon the expression) pure bollocks. If it was really that pressing a problem, we'd all be riding 'bents. I furthermore invite you to consider female anatomy in the saddle region. They've got rather more in the way of fragile and sensitive bodily structures down there...
+ 1 on that. I talked about correct bike set up in my second post, you sit on the the sit bones in your arse, if you have pressure else where you have your set up wrong