the antis always go on about peds, falling down stairs, why don't I wear body armour, risk compensation, yada yada
very rarely that a helmet is likely going to be a good thing to wear if you fall off your bike and bang your head
I'm up to speed on the arguments and I see merit in both sides, my gut instinct still tells me that if I fall from 6 feet up at 20mph and crack my head into the tarmac I'd rather have a helmet on than not, I've done it a few times with a crash helmet and once in a cycle helmet, I'd really really not wanted to have been bare headed any time
I'm not bothered by people not wearing them at all, personal choice, I do get irritated by the arguments that 'prove' that helmets are more dangerous than not, that's too far imho and the evidence available is too mixed and poor to go that far at all
I'm afraid that some people seem to need to justify their position as the right one, I see no need for that, there's motor cyclists that take the same sort of positon regarding crash helmets and hi viz for motorcyclists, people used to argue against seat belts ('what if the car turned over, what if the car caught fire'), it's human nature
until someone actually proves something, no-one knows and anyone trying to do more than suggest is making it up to suit themselves imho
anyway this has all been done to death with no-one changing their minds one iota