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FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:Are helmets now designed to be brick proof then ?
Try it

FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:Are helmets now designed to be brick proof then ?
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:On the basis that more pedestrians suffer head injurys whould this be rolled out to include them as well ?
I would suggest the smokers and drinkers are more of a drain on the NHS than cyclists not wearing a helmet so where are you going to draw the line on who pays for the treatment they are perceived to have caused to themselves ?
davidwalton said:Try it![]()
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:Ok try the same experiment wearing a saucepan or a watermelon on your head and tell me what the difference is ?
davidwalton said:as before, lets take the argument that because there are other things requiring attention, nothing should be done with Cycle helmets. Lets tackle all the problems, rather than complain because there are other things wrong so why pick on me attitude?
Smokin Joe said:Whether or not to wear a helmet should be entirely down to one's own choice. The trouble with them is they are manna from heaven for the ever increasing number of bossy control freaks who are terrified of living in a society where people are free to do what they want.
FatFellaFromFelixstowe said:But the point that the vast amount of cycle helmets are made to a very poor standard is still valid. If it is so dangerous to ride without one why do the countries with larger bicycle use such as Denmark, China, Holland etc not rolled out compulsary use ?
davidwalton said:To anyone choosing not to wear a helmet where it known they COULD prevent injury, you are also then expecting everyone to pay the medical costs of your decision. That to me is the wrong bit, and the reason why I believe all SHOULD wear helmets.
Those decisions you make which have zero impact on others, I believe you have the right to decide.
Smokin Joe said:Whether or not to wear a helmet should be entirely down to one's own choice. The trouble with them is they are manna from heaven for the ever increasing number of bossy control freaks who are terrified of living in a society where people are free to do what they want.
davidwalton said:They didn't used to.
If I hit your head with a brick, I am sure that will hurt. If you wear a helmet and I hit that with a brick, I am sure it will hurt less......
Or, bend over so your head is 3 foot from the ground and allow yourself to fall on to your head. A helmet DOES provide protection!!!
davidwalton said:As far as I am concerned, you can choose to do whatever you want, as long as it has zero impact on me or others. This I said before, but obviously you chose to ignore that. How convenient![]()
Chris James said:Indeed! I presume you are also in favour of legally forcing people to eat five veg a day and banning all smoking and drinking?
I like rock climbing and mountaineering. Should I be banned from that?
What else do you think the government should dictate to us?
PrettyboyTim said:David, do you wear body armour on your bike? If not, I'm shocked! If you have and accident that could have been prevented by body armour, you're costing the rest of us money! So selfish!
And while I'm at it, why aren't you wearing one of those built-in-airbag jackets that you can get for motorcyclists?