No helmet

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Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie

Strange how in countries where helmet wearing is lowest are also those with the lowest rates of cycle fatalities. If wearing a cycle helmet is such a great safety aid why is that??


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Looks like Spin City final realised that he had lost the argument and so ran away... and just when I found the paper which I was referring to earlier...


New Member
Spin City said:
Please feel free to reply to this post but I won't be responding to any replies.

Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your bucket of DW. Who the **** do you think you are?


New Member
Spin City said:
Dear All
Posters do not seem to take any notice of evidence or are not able to process the evidence adequately and therefore their views remain unchanged.

Yes, we tried to point that out to you but you just bulldozed on

and on

and on

and on.

Feel free to come back when you have learnt how to participate in an internet forum and when you are able to add more to a thread than "I believe" and "I would like".


back and brave
Spin City said:
Please feel free to reply to this post but I won't be responding to any replies.

Thank christ for that!

The 'great helmet debate' sees another storm off in a huff because some people are obviously too stupid to see it their way.

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
User1314 said:
I want to wear a trendy cycling cap and not have it hidden by a helmet.

Apropos of nothing in particular, I seem to have developed a bit of an addiction to cycling caps (can't recall how that arose, but it's from them being mentioned in this thread or another).

I've already got nearly enough to wear a different one each day, and despite that I'm eyeing the Prendas retro caps and the jaunty Francais Des Jeux cap with a view to future purchases...


back and brave
Rhythm Thief said:
Why do the "pro - choice lobby" need to provide any evidence for anything? :biggrin:

Because, you see, the 'pro choice' lobby are in denial. What they actually want is the prohibition of helmets. Obvious really innit.

It's interesting (to me anyway) that we seem to be in the midst of language change. In that, 'lobby' and 'brigade' seem now to carry a derogatory and dismissive tone to them; much the same as 'do gooder' now commonly does. Anybody that opposes something or someone belongs to a brigade or lobby (be it green wellies, pc, etc etc). Interesting how we 'collectivise' to pigeon hole and dismiss people. I don't think I belong to any lobbies or brigades as such, but I do have opinions.


New Member
I was looking at my cycle helmet the other day (it's a Bell) and couldn't help but think - in the event of a "serious" accident how much protection WOULD this piece of polystyrene actually give me? Have there been any scientific studies to show that cycle helmets actually do save lives?


New Member
DinasBran said:
I was looking at my cycle helmet the other day (it's a Bell) and couldn't help but think - in the event of a "serious" accident how much protection WOULD this piece of polystyrene actually give me? Have there been any scientific studies to show that cycle helmets actually do save lives?

No, there haven't. There have been studies, but they haven't been scientific.:biggrin:

There are anecdotes, however.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Jim said:
Since a bad accident I now always wear a helmet. I fell off last night and the helmet prevented...

Is this like the missing words game on "have I got news for you" ? It would help if we knew what the guest publication was.

Therefore to make this easier I nominate "potato weekly" as the guest publication and my guess is BLIGHT
yello said:
Because, you see, the 'pro choice' lobby are in denial. What they actually want is the prohibition of helmets. Obvious really innit.


thats not true.I'm pro choice ,i even wear a helmet when i think conditions merit it. i see no point in prohibition, it may discourage people from riding and from my point of view the more cyclists we have on the road the safer they will become.
The problem is that there is no allowance for middle ground.

My aim is always to make people think!

Don't accept anyone's advice or anecdotes - go out read the evidence, mae up your own mind and act upon it, but don't try and enforce that decision on others!


back and brave
piedwagtail91 said:
thats not true.I'm pro choice ,i even wear a helmet when i think conditions merit it. i see no point in prohibition, it may discourage people from riding and from my point of view the more cyclists we have on the road the safer they will become.

Sorry, I was being ironic. I'm pro-choice too.

For what it's worth, from what I have read, I do believe a helmet would protect from certain types of injuries. The types of injuries it was designed to protect against. However, I happen to think that that's such a small subset of the injuries I'm at risk from that it makes little difference. To be honest, I'd not even ride a bike if I was going to be that risk averse. I pretty much only wear a helmet on sportives where it's usually a requirement.

But I respect the right of others to choose to protect themselves as they see fit.
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