No helmet

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Senior Member
Why can you not understand that your decision to wear a helmet is purely personal? You may THINK it's wrong not to wear a helmet, but can you accept that other people might THINK differently?

The evidence is actually pretty conclusive on helmets, and it's that they afford some protection in certain circumstances. The risks they reduce though aren't significant enough for the government to enforce a law obligating anyone on a bicycle to wear one, and that's why they haven't. Different people have a different attitude to risk. It's part of the freedom we enjoy, and while I understand that you feel it's right to wear a helmet, I can't fathom for a second why you would support an arbitrary government decision to make them compulsory.

Do you mean that you'd support such a decision WHEN and IF new scientific evidence came to light somehow proving that cycle helmets were a significant benefit to society? Because maybe I can understand that, but it's not what you've said.

Please don't get too upset by this discussion. You're a cyclist with opinion and eloquence and benefit the forum as such, even if I don't understand your reasoning on this topic.


David, this is where it all started to go wrong -

davidwalton said:
To anyone choosing not to wear a helmet where it known they COULD prevent injury, you are also then expecting everyone to pay the medical costs of your decision. That to me is the wrong bit, and the reason why I believe all SHOULD wear helmets.

Those decisions you make which have zero impact on others, I believe you have the right to decide.

This is why I support Government making them compulsory.

What that's saying is that we should all wear helmets because you have to pick up the costs of other cyclist's injuries. You only believe we have the right to choose if it doesn't impact you.

Here it is again, just for clarification -

davidwalton said:
Those decisions you make which have zero impact on others, I believe you have the right to decide.

See? We're not allowed to have the choice because you reckon they impact your wallet.

Don't bother twisting or turning, that is what you said up there ^^^


cannondale boy

Über Member
As others have said its purely mainly down to choice whether you wear a helmet or not. I myself wear one for the reason i do travel fast an average speed of 15-16mph. If i were to fall off the bike at that speed atleast i would have some sort of protection, just depending on the way i landed.

I think the reason for cyclists not wearing helmets in amsterdam is because its a cycle friendly city and there is not many accidents involved. Another reason for not wearing a helmet would be that the average cyclist in amsterdam only travels at approx 16kmh which is not really that fast.

I have on a number of occasions not worn a helmet, while going to my local supermarket which is roughly 2 miles away. But i am in no rush and as the trail is mainly woodland and i'm sure that i won't come across anything that will obstruct my way.

Previous post mentioned about a helmet slowing you down...not sure about this? but if you have constructive evidence i would be happy to agree with you.


New Member
davidwalton said:
They DO provide some protection to the head, and every ounce of protection counts.
They are not heavy.
A helmet that fits is NOT uncomfortable.
They may look stupid, but who cares.
I look forward to and support any Government that makes them compulsory.

Until then, you decide.:becool:

This extraordinary post suddenly appeared in a light-hearted thread about not wearing a helmet - particularly in hot weather.

That is what started the discussion. It wasn't a very nice post and it cast aspersions on non-wearers.

david, if you can't see that this stick of yours, shoved into a bees nest is the cause of you being stung all over, then yes, the forum probably isn't for you.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
davidwalton said:
Perhaps a little heavy, but that is why I wear a helmet, no matter the weather. A helmet has only one purpose = to help save your head in the event of an accident. It isn't a fashion statement, or anything else other than a piece of safety clothing.

Who are you trying to kid, it is a statement and nothing more...


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
davidwalton said:
The same was said with Motor Cyclists as well.....

A motor cycle helmet is strong enough to protect the head in a serious accident, but a cycle helmet is not. Hence cycle helmet are just about fashion, not protection. If you are really worried about protecting your head, then wear a motor cycle helmet... Good luck...


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
davidwalton said:
Cycle helmets are NOT heavy...

Which is why they aren't strong enough to provide any serious protection and are therefore they are just a fashion statement. If cycle helmets are such a great aid to safety which is it that in states where helmet wearing is compulsory that the death rate among cyclists per Km ridden is higher, than in states were it isn't???


Man: Is this the right room for an argument?

Other Man:sad:pause) I've told you once.

Man: No you haven't!

Other Man: Yes I have.

M: When?

O: Just now.

M: No you didn't!

O: Yes I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I'm telling you, I did!

M: You didn't!

O: (breaking into the developing argument) Oh I'm sorry, is this
a five minute argument, or the full half hour?

M: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five

O: Just the five minutes. Thank you.

Anyway, I did.

M: You most certainly did not!

O: Now let's get one thing perfectly clear: I most definitely
told you!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did! (very fast)

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh look, this isn't an argument!


O: Yes it is!

M: No it isn't!


M: It's just contradiction!

O: No it isn't!

M: It IS!

O: It is NOT!

M: You just contradicted me!

O: No I didn't!

M: You DID!

O: No no no!

M: You did just then!

Etc, etc, etc.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
davidwalton said:
Why should fewer cycle just because they have to wear a helmet? Are they that worried about how they look?

Compulsion has that effect, the reality is that making it compulsory to wear a helmet stops people from wanting to cycle, and increases the death rate.
the nhs are always pushing helmet wearing, even when it's not relevant.
when i was knocked off the doctor asked if i was wearing a helmet, i said no, he then said it could have helped lessen my injuries.
the nearest injury was my elbow when i pointed this out and asked where i could get a full body helmet he went quiet..
they do have their uses, i pick and choose when to use mine.

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