No helmet

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davidwalton said:
Thank you. It is ALL about opinion, and we ALL have a right to one.
Many of us choose not to wear helmets.
You believe that, via legislation, we should be forced to.
My opinion is that you are wrong and that, via your support for this hypothetical piece of legislation, you are seeking to impose your views on helmet wear on everyone.


New Member
Chuffy said:
No. I was stating what I believe. Please don't try to twist what I'm saying and LIE about what I meant.

I took it as insults, and I believe you knew it would be.

How else would you take

Chuffy]"[I]I[/I said:
believe that you either have a breathtakingly simplistic view on what various words in the English language mean or you are breathtakingly simple minded"
davidwalton said:
I took it as insults, and I believe you knew it would be.

How else would you take
I was expressing an opinion. Please don't TWIST what I say and make out that I'm saying what I'm not. I have A RIGHT to an opinion as much as you do.:biggrin:


New Member
Chuffy said:
Many of us choose not to wear helmets.
You believe that, via legislation, we should be forced to.
My opinion is that you are wrong and that, via your support for this hypothetical piece of legislation, you are seeking to impose your views on helmet wear on everyone.

and still I choose to use the word impose. WHY???

I am seeking to show you and others here that there is a big difference between imposing and supporting a government action.

Every act of government imposes in some way, and as we vote for the government, we ALL impose on each other with each government action. To single out individuals who support, or have stated they would support a specific action is not an imposition any greater than every other act of government.


New Member
Chuffy said:
I was expressing an opinion. Please don't TWIST what I say and make out that I'm saying what I'm not. I have A RIGHT to an opinion as much as you do.:biggrin:

Yes, but you don't have a right to insult me. I quoted you exactly as you wrote the insult as well. No twist. It was clear your intent was to insult.


New Member
While I am more than prepared to say (and have a number of times) that the opposite view of mine is not imposing, it seems to me that I am not going to be afforded the same. So, you can all support a government action that makes the use of helmets non-compulsory without imposition, but I can't support the other without insult and claims of imposition.

Time to go. Don't want to be in a forum where I am not equal.

Thread unsubscribed.


davidwalton said:
This is part of the same argument that says go away until I want your money because I made a mistake.

You're talking like only helmeted cyclists pay national insurance! Guess what, I pay it too, so if I do hit my head in a bike accident (and that's not happened in over 20 years) my NI contributions will be paying for any treatment I receive. :biggrin:


Cycling in the sun
I wear a helmet (most of the time), I started as I was asking my children to wear one. I think it does help protect children's heads who have thinner skulls, and are likely to come off their bikes at slow speeds. I haven't made up MY mind on the protection it gives me commuting but I'm used to wearing it now.

But how many people are wearing helmets correctly? Loads aren't ... there is no point wearing one if it is really loose or doesn't correctly fit your head - then it may cause more damage than the protection it could give.

Also the police can't keep up with/can't be bothered with all the people without seat belts on/no insurance/on their mobile, without adding helmets to the list.

I think it is a matter for personal choice, and that forcing people to wear helmets will prevent some people from cycling ... it was proposed at my children's school for a while but now isn't as it is healthier to cycle than come by car.


back and brave
davidwalton said:
Don't want to be in a forum where I am not equal.

Well that's a shame. And I mean that. There are people on this forum that are pro-helmet and, no doubt, those that are pro-compulsion. We can agree to differ.

No one objects to your opinion. And I personally have no problem with you supporting any government action re compulsion (not that I think there'll be any). I would oppose it but that is our right. I think it's the manner in which you've presented your opinion that's put backs up. You were very much, at least initially, taking a 'you are wrong, I am right' line. You seemed to be claiming the research backed your position and people that did not see that were choosing not to.

I think you then changed your line. You now seem then to accept that there is no conclusive research, one way or the other. That all is just opinion, and differing opinion. I don't think any government would come down one way or the other on this subject where there is difference of opinion and no way to fairly deciding. I believe no 'decision' is possible, personal choice is the only way.

Who knows, you may further change your opinion through experience. We all do. In a few years time, you may even be leaving the helmet at home when you got out for a ride! :becool:


New Member
yello said:
No one objects to your opinion. And I personally have no problem with you supporting any government action re compulsion (not that I think there'll be any). I would oppose it but that is our right. I think it's the manner in which you've presented your opinion that's put backs up. You were very much, at least initially, taking a 'you are wrong, I am right' line. You seemed to be claiming the research backed your position and people that did not see that were choosing not to.

I think you then changed your line. You now seem then to accept that there is no conclusive research, one way or the other. That all is just opinion, and differing opinion. I don't think any government would come down one way or the other on this subject where there is difference of opinion and no way to fairly deciding. I believe no 'decision' is possible, personal choice is the only way.

No, not changed, and I do believe I am right otherwise I would not wear a helmet myself. I have been told that I don't have a right to have the opinion I do, and I have been straight and clear that it is my opinion based on the reading I have done.

The fact that there are 2 sides I never hid from. This had nothing to do with my manner as it all kicked off from a single sentence, one others here refused to accept by twisting it's meaning (and going as far as calling me simple over it). Damn right I am going to get pig headed about that, as I would expect anyone to.

Yes, at present everyone has the right to choose. I do think those that choose not to wear a helmet are wrong, and that is based solely on my opinion that I am right by wearing a helmet. I can not say another is right to not wear a helmet when I think I should.

In other words, no change in my opinion.

Good bye forum. I obviously do not fit here.
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