Last May, I had a cycle accident which resulted in severe head injury. Fractured skull, double haemoatoma in my head which needed urgent surgery, over 2 weeks in a coma, 8 weeks in hospital, over six months off work (still on reduced hours) and I was classed a fast rack recoverer for the severity of my injury.
I wasn't wearing a helmet although i usually do, especially when commuting to work here in Bristol, as I have for about 16 years. However, as I was out for a leisure ride in the countryside north of here, I decided not to wear a helmet. No great recollection of the accident but there was no vehicle involved and I believe that I lost control on a dodgy country lane, became airborne and flew along for about 10 - 15 feet before landing on my left side.
Since my accident I have been reading about cycle injuries and fatalities and it is obvious that a fatal accident is sometimes just a minor/low speed collision or fall and in circumstances like these, wearing a helmet would probably be a life saver.
Would a helmet have mitigated the severity of my injuries? Well it would have made no difference with the broken shoulder, ribs and collapsed lung. Would it have prevented the head injury or made it less severe? I don't know although the consultant thought that the skull fracture may not have been so severe or may have been avoided completely. The impact would still have resulted in some degree of brain damage.
So, should helmets be compulsory? Maybe for kids but not for adults, how would any form of compulsion be enforced anyway, the police can't even stop motorists speeding or using mobile 'phones while driving and there are other more pressing safety issues to address. But let's not pretend that helmets are nothing more than fashion accesorries.
Do I always wear a helmet now while cycling? Yes. My choice.