No Cycling Road Signs

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I think these signs will be promptly ignored by most, what is the council going to do? Send a fine in the post to the owner of the lycra clad bottom?

Around here the police are the worst culprits for pavement cycling, or cycling the wrong way down one way streets, or cycling through pedestrian only areas, they're not exactly a good example of following the rules so how likely will they be to enforce them?

Surprisingly, they can be some of the worst hypocrites. It's alright for them to break the law, but they're quick to cite anyone who breaks the law.

As an example up in NYC it has become "common practice" for the LEO's to park their cop car in the bike lane/cycle path. And than issue a citation when a cyclist exits the bike lane/cycle path. Even though the motor vehicle code for NYC clearly states that if there is a bike lane/cycle path that cyclists have to use it. There are exceptions, one such and the important one that the LEO's are ignoring. Is if there is something blocking the bike lane.

Question, that might be a little OT. Do y'all have any laws restricting the video/audio recording of bobbies while performing their duties?


Well-Known Member
Stockton on Tees
Question, that might be a little OT. Do y'all have any laws restricting the video/audio recording of bobbies while performing their duties?

Maybe :tongue: From Wikipedia (the font of all knowledge of course...)

'It is an offence under the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 to publish or communicate a photograph of a constable (not including PCSOs), a member of the armed forces, or a member of the security services, which is of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. There is a defence of acting with a reasonable excuse, however the onus of proof is on the defence, under section 58A of the Terrorism Act 2000.'

[sup][/sup] 'Following a prolonged campaign, including a series of demonstrations by photographers abused by Police Officers and PCSOs, the Metropolitan Police was forced to issue updated legal advice which now confirms that 'Members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places and police have no power to stop them filming or photographing incidents or police personnel'

Surprisingly, they can be some of the worst hypocrites. It's alright for them to break the law, but they're quick to cite anyone who breaks the law.

As an example up in NYC it has become "common practice" for the LEO's to park their cop car in the bike lane/cycle path. And than issue a citation when a cyclist exits the bike lane/cycle path. Even though the motor vehicle code for NYC clearly states that if there is a bike lane/cycle path that cyclists have to use it. There are exceptions, one such and the important one that the LEO's are ignoring. Is if there is something blocking the bike lane.

I almost never use cycle lanes, they're usually covered in broken glass, loose chippings and bits of metal that have fallen off cars. You also have to yeild at crossing points with roads. I make better progress sticking to the asphalt.

If the UK police started fining for not using cycle lanes I'd give up cycling for good.
No idea of the legalities but we had this a while ago ;)


The officer's worst nightmare, if only I had the balls to act like that when I get pulled, I'm usually very polite and just bend over..... maybe not quite so polite when I laughed and asked what speed limit I was breaking and the officer replied "the bicycle speed limit....ummm it's less than what you were doing"


I can see the point on busy roundabouts adn sliproads adjoining duel carridgeways etc, where no one is expecting cyclists on the road adn the traffic speed is >>>3 0mph.

But sometimes just I don't understand the use of them. They're often on A-roads in the middle of the country and hijack you out of nowhere...what are you supposed to do? Turn around several miles and totally reorganise your route? I just ignore them in this case.

No idea of the legalities but we had this a while ago ;)

The police officer's lack of knowledge is staggering. If in doubt of your offences use your radio to clarify things with the ops room

You do not have to accept a fixed penalty notice, you can opt to be issued a summons for the offence. If you do not give your details the police officer can arrest to ascertain the persons details following the commission of an offence in order that he can fill in the paperwork (usually more trouble than it is worth).

A police officer has no right to seize or edit photos or video unless he/she has a warrant to do so or they are evidence of an offence (could seize in this case as evidence of the offence if it goes to court, best to do after arrest).

When I was in the police (2003) I would have done this
PC: I have stopped you because you crossed a traffic signal on red. Can you explain why you did that? (maybe mechanical failure of brakes etc.. Police can stop a cyclist to check brakes by law)

Cyclist: No answer

PC: I propose to deal with this offence by way of fixed penalty notice (reads caution - as supposed to do)

Cyclist: No answer (refuses to accept ticket - as he is allowed to do)

PC: If you refuse to accept the fixed penalty notice I will report you for the offence of - careless cycling s29 RTA. Please provide me with your current name and address so that the summons can be served. If you fail to provide me with your details you will be arrested un s25 PACE until your identity can be ascertained. (Tells him that he can expect a larger fine and costs if he goes to court)

Cyclist: Refuses to answer

PC: Cyclist arrested (Radios for a car to collect prisoner)

If the cyclist committed the offence then he's liable.

If the officer had had a better knowledge of the law he'd wouldn't have looked such an idiot.

SOCPA has changed a few things now- I left the police in 2003 so the above may not be the current procedure. It appears you can now arrest under s.24 PACE for failing to provide name and address if you committed an offence.

When I was police training the pass mark of the law exams was 56%


Resting in suspended Animation
Parkway at Sheffield, its a dual carriageway. The local byelaws prohibit cycling and all entries have the cycle on a circular, red edged, white background. I can't remember the exact wording, but the ones I saw all had an explanatory text sign underneath.
Yet when I commuted to Sheffield by car I could guarantee seeing one (usually BSO) a week - and yes I've seen them pulled over by plod.
Scariest was when I saw 3 youths about 10-12 year old on BMXs on the 70mph section, that time plod got a call from me....

Only in recent years as I believe I've ever told you before. The respective authorities made several mistakes on the labelling of various exits of the parkway, so you are wrong. They rectified them.


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
Its recent years I'm talking about, not the last 18 months though. I'll admit I haven't personally checked all entries, but I haven't checked any exits(?) What I did see is the signs I described, if they aren't technically legal, OK. But they were there and anyone whose looked at a highway code should have an idea of what this means.

Its not surprising Sheffield screwing up on signage though, although I'd expect them to be more on the ball since having to hand back so much cash after the non-compliant signage of the busgates.

Its recent years I'm talking about, not the last 18 months though. I'll admit I haven't personally checked all entries, but I haven't checked any exits(?) What I did see is the signs I described, if they aren't technically legal, OK. But they were there and anyone whose looked at a highway code should have an idea of what this means.

Its not surprising Sheffield screwing up on signage though, although I'd expect them to be more on the ball since having to hand back so much cash after the non-compliant signage of the busgates.

I can confirm various ginnels and snickets in Maltby have these signs :smile: not to be confused with these signs



Resting in suspended Animation
Its recent years I'm talking about, not the last 18 months though. I'll admit I haven't personally checked all entries, but I haven't checked any exits(?) What I did see is the signs I described, if they aren't technically legal, OK. But they were there and anyone whose looked at a highway code should have an idea of what this means.

They are legal, just they missed a few. There are quite a few possible entrances to the Parkway. You used to see it quite often in other places where they'd focus on signs on bits of a no cycling area and not the other. Not even unique to Sheffield.

Its not surprising Sheffield screwing up on signage though, although I'd expect them to be more on the ball since having to hand back so much cash after the non-compliant signage of the busgates.

Well, it's funny you mention that because the council spent quite a bit of money redoing some slightly worn out no cycling signs on gennels around here.


Resting in suspended Animation
For example speed limit signs apply until you reach the next speed limit sign, (assuming you haven't turned off onto another road where a different limit applies but that is then normally signposted or noted in some way). A no right turn will generally apply to the next road junction on the right.... etc What about no cycling signs?

Same principle. No cycling sign in the other direction, junction or something else. Can certainly be unclear where mistakes are made.


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
I can confirm various ginnels and snickets in Maltby have these signs :smile:

Yep, they're around. When I'm out for a run theres one on one of my usual routes - A narrow ginnel with high hedges, between Braithwell Rd and Norwood Avenue. I tend to have to look into it first to avoid being run down by some ignorant pob!

You in Maltby or just pass through?
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