Niggly niggly derailleur not quite right annoyance

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I just had a niggly rear mech, somehow I managed to put the cale under the bolt and NOT the squareish washer its supposed to be under, and that seemed ok but in lower gears it sounded like it wasn't quite in gear, only a little noise but I could hear it, popped the cable in the correct position and the noise vanished
Could be the derailleur itself or its cage plate is bent. Could be they checked the hanger in one axis and not the other.
If the bottom jockey is nearer the wheel something's definitely gone wrong.


Smutmaster General
Hi there, me again... have ridden it twice without issue (putting up with its 'roughness') but life is so busy that fettling time has been nil... just have a quick look at it this evening, will ride tomorrow. Have comvimced myself it might be worn spring (??)
Not sure if it shows in this pic, but this is what I meant by the bottom of the derailleur being a bit further inwards than the top... comments welcome :thumbsup:
I can still ride it, but I'd like to do so without the rumble. May just get new der, but....



Smutmaster General
Re-indexed, cleaned up, tightened... still rough as old boots, and rough changes between 4 and 5th cogs at the back... had a very very close look... chain is not falling right on the jockey wheel teeth... had a measure, and I think it's stretched... poss time for new chain? But will thgat solve my issues? Have still convinced myself I've got a wonky derailleur...:wacko: got the cassette and chain exactly a year ago, so they'll have done about 3,000 miles (don't know why I thought only 800 in post last week... checked when replaced, and it is a year ago). The derailleur itself is 2 years old, and jockey wheels (which look alright) haven't been changed, so that's 6,000 miles for them!!
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I would change chain before. I think if you had told us that in the OP you may have got different answers.

That rear mech sure does not like it is hanging straight from here.
I would change chain before. I think if you had told us that in the OP you may have got different answers.

That rear mech sure does not like it is hanging straight from here.
I thought that.
@Fnaar a mix of components shouldnt make thing rough, how old is the mech, check the rivits on the parallelogram as these were worn on mine, the mech had done just short of 12,000 miles.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Hi @Fnaar had your same issue, niggly noise, rumbling, skipping on gear 3/4/5
Changed chain and freewheel, still the same.
What was wrong: bent derallieur and bent hanger AND bent front cog :eek:

Edit: btw, jockey wheels were ok, mechanic reused them.


Cracking a solo.
Hopefully I've just this minute sorted mine, it's been driving me nuts!
I could get it running like a Swiss watch on the smallest 4/5 cogs but it'd get steadily worse as the cogs got bigger 'til it was banging around and doing my head in, alternatively I could get it running smoothly on the larger cogs and it'd be banging away on the smaller lads. New cables didn't seem to do the trick but new jockeys seem to have sorted it, it's certainly sounding right on the workstand we'll see what it's like under stress. So my tip, check the play in your jockeys :thumbsup:

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Fnaar, I've just looked at this and while the picture is maybe not capturing the set-up very well and could be making things look worse than they are, if things are even half as bad as they appear I would find another LBS if they have checked the alignment and given it the all clear :eek:

From that picture I would say the hanger is probably twisted to toe out and maybe bent in a little at the bottom. Or the mech is bent/worn and has sagged/settled in the same way? Either way, it should be easily diagnosed by any cycle mechanic worth dealing with (Your LBS isn't some spotty teenager in a shop whose name starts with 'H' and ends with 's' with the letters 'alfrod' in the middle is it?)
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