New Rollers!!

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World class procrastinator
I am going down the turbo trainer route. It might not be as good a workout but space is limited in a static caravan. Also, when I fall off rollers I'll either land on the wood burner or crash into a fish tank.
When I move into bricks and mortar again I will be looking into rollers, they look so much fun.


Yes and along with that thought I was intending on building something like this think it'll make riding slightly easier^_^

Wow! Impressive, that looks a bit beyond my DIY skills.

Deleted member 26715

Okay, never seen these before, 'teach me' what do you get out of free motion rollers as opposed to rollers just on the floor?



Legendary Member
Not to sure?
Those designs are all well and good, but IMHO riding on rollers is about learning how to be smooth and perfecting your pedal stroke, the smoother you are, the faster you will go....fact.

As I see it, there is a need for both rollers and a turbo as they both train you to do something differently
Tony Cano

Tony Cano

Well-Known Member
Irvine, Ayrshire
Okay, never seen these before, 'teach me' what do you get out of free motion rollers as opposed to rollers just on the floor?


The only reason for modifying the rollers is to copy the e-motion rollers and save a whole load of cash. The idea is that they are more forgiving than just stationary rollers, allowing the rider to stand up off the saddle or to be less smooth in action. As time goes by and with practice you will perfect the ride. What has been said is that with the e- motion or the free motion rollers is that the ride feels more realistic.

I have both turbo and rollers and yes the both train you in different ways, however with the turbo boredom or concentration losses can set in quickly which then in turn makes the whole process of training harder. Where as the rollers you just can't lose concentration not allowing boredom, but I suppose it all comes down to, what you as an individual wants out of your session. All I want from the rollers is the maintain my riding fitness while the weather is poor. Where as the turbo I use for interval training where I can perform short bursts of speed without worrying about falling off


Deleted member 26715

Thanks Tony, I sold my turbo as I could not stand the boredom so motivation was nil, the rollers I still find difficult to get the motivation to get on, but currently when I do i still enjoy them, but there is no substitute for real world cycling.

Tony Cano

Tony Cano

Well-Known Member
Irvine, Ayrshire
Alan stick at it and if your up for the mod you may even get your mojo back! Nothing compares to riding out in the open air but during the winter months something is better than nothing and with riding on the rollers you will perfect your style and you stamina so that when your able to get out you will go further at a faster rate. Well that's how I see it anyway.


Deleted member 20519

I've heard that rollers are better for improving your technique but a trainer is better for actually training? Is that true?

Deleted member 26715

I think each to their own, I found trainers mind numbing, so boring that I would rather watch tv with the wife than go on them, maybe the interactive ones are okay, but I do have a short attention span & totally unfit. Where the rollers will bite you if you do not concentrate, I'm sure that once I have fully mastered then they will get boring as well, but you have to use your whole body to stay on them. You don't realise but looking down or behind you changes you upper body & so your balance, if you look behind yourself on the road you will probably move out a little or into the kerb depending on which way you look, on rollers if you move more than 9inches you're off the side. I find them fun, if totally knackering, my only drawback is they are effectively outside & I'm a whimp in the cold.



Active Member
Have been looking at rollers now the weather is icey.
There seems to be quite a few different model and makes for less than £200..
Is there any major difference between them and at that price would it best just getting the cheapest. .
Thanks. .

Deleted member 26715

I have a set of Tacx Antares or however you spell it, bought them 2nd hand of Gumtree paid £80 & they are like new, still fully boxed

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