New John Lewis Store Leeds.

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Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
There is no mention on the website about facilities for cyclists.
It does however mention the 800 space car park built immediately next door, but doesn't mention the bus station next to the car park...sustainability?

They quite rightly don't want stinking Lycra clad cyclists smelling all over the shop, you won't be taking away a 50" TV with you, you're not welcome - no cycle rack required.


Re member eR
The new John Lewis store in Leeds. Well it's OK if you like that sort of thing. I expect I'll be dragged around it some time in the future. I may even pop in of my own accord. Y'know.......for a new flat cap or a whippit or some such. Maybe see if they have any parkin on special offer. The building looks OK, in a flashy look at me kind of way. BUT.............who the hell decided to stick a car park in front of it that has all the charm of a festering pustule?!1shlMlMPB7AZCj1O7Rhs1T-Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

That black and white, criss cross, twisted christmas decoration stuff goes right around it now. It is dreadful.
I mean car parks aren't ever exactly pretty but to deliberately inflict such an attrocity on the residents of Leeds is unforgivable.

When our kids were small Mrs Colly used to work on a Saturday for a guy who ran a greetings card stall in Leeds Market. I think it was £8 she got for the day and at the end of the day as he was packing up she would take her wages and go round and buy most of our veg and meat for the week. That £8 kept us going for sure.
The market as it is now is a shadow of it's former self.


I like the description of Xmas tinsel,i might go dowm and watch them try to drive their cars out past the Bus Station.It was S L O W when the Cop Shop was there,my word if Fiona or Cecil can't get the Rolls out because of the x84 Otley bus,there might be hell to pay.It is a nightmare down there.


Leg End Member
I like the description of Xmas tinsel,i might go dowm and watch them try to drive their cars out past the Bus Station.It was S L O W when the Cop Shop was there,my word if Fiona or Cecil can't get the Rolls out because of the x84 Otley bus,there might be hell to pay.It is a nightmare down there.
Thought the X84 was Skipton?


Thought the X84 was Skipton?

We are both right.I only go as far as Otley,to a fave cafe.


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
The most desired shop by Derby people is a John Lewis or a Waitrose. John Lewis want a store in the area - it must be just about the largest urban area in England without one. There's a big hole where a derelict shopping centre once stood that adjoins the old Debenhams store (yes, the one where a pot farm was discovered in the upper floors!) available, in an area which could really use an anchor store. I'm waiting for someone to do the maths...

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I was in Leeds once but the only thing I can remember about the place was visiting Leeds Assizes, entering and leaving of my own free will ofc.:smile:.

Must have been 40+ years ago given the assizes were replaced by crown court in 1972.


Legendary Member
Must have been 40+ years ago given the assizes were replaced by crown court in 1972.
Could well have been, two of us were idling around Leeds a bit bored and asked a guy in regalia at the door what goes on in here. He took us for the conducted tour of two courtrooms and side offices, one old and one new, within the building:smile:.


The market is suffering a slow death and I've yet to see anything turning that around. It's a shadow of its former self and I can't see it surviving another generation as things stand.
I can't see that having the mecca of consumerism across the way will help, but who knows I could be wrong.

The fact is that people aren't going to trek into the city centre when they can get an almost unlimited amount of stuff at any number of nearer superstores a damn sight nearer home that offer free parking. And for those who don't drive, have you seen the bus fare into Leeds now? An adult day ticket is £4.20!
And when the council sold off the former markets car park and let NCP build a multi-storey that was another nail in the markets coffin given the prices charged.

Anyway, back to the OP - I can't see me making a trip to shop at the new John Lewis when pretty much everything they sell is available on-line from the comfort of my armchair and I've never been tempted to buy any of their wares yet.
I'm pretty sure that puts me in a minority - Mrs ND reports that the local paper website is full of pics of queues of gullible idiots, sorry eager consumerists, waiting to get in for a special 'preview' evening today. Good luck to them I say.

I think the market is holding up well, very well compared to others in West Yorks, that's how I view it so I think it will survive easily enough. I cycled in last week and had some Oysters (£1 each) at Hayes seafood stall and then an avocado & prawn wrap at the new Cambodian street food stall, £1.60 if IIRC. It was very busy. How many large fish mongers are in that market? Well I can tell you how many are in Bradford to serve half a million people, er, 1.

Leeds is the regional winner, I noted that the long practically derelict Kirkgate area now has new bars and, a sure fire indicator of areas moving socially upwards, artisan bakeries!

I loved the markets in Leeds when I discovered them, and felt that a person could live on a very small budget indeed by doing all their shopping there.

You are correct, we cycle in along the canal every Saturday and stock up on fresh stuff at the market and it's far cheaper than any supermarket. Trouble is I stuff my face (for the ride back of course), a punnet of strawberries, blue berries, or raspberries are always either £1, or often, two for £1
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