New John Lewis Store Leeds.

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
It should bring additional trade to that part of the city centre so I can't see them being too concerned in the long term.

My biggest issue is about the number of potential 'shoppers' one city can accommodate - there's now five (Victoria Gate, Victoria Quarter, Trinity, St. John's, Merrion Centre) larger shopping centres plus lots of others.


Legendary Member
Looks better than the monstrous design we got in Leicester



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My biggest issue is about the number of potential 'shoppers' one city can accommodate - there's now five (Victoria Gate, Victoria Quarter, Trinity, St. John's, Merrion Centre) larger shopping centres plus lots of others.

Retail is changing and only the regional winners will survive, Leeds is that. I think Leeds is the 3rd biggest UK City isn't it? I think people forget that it also co-joined to the 5/6th biggest! Where do Bradfordians shop? I live in the Aire Valley and at Shipley the train lines split, on weekend the trains to Bradford are pretty much empty, the ones to Leeds often standing room only.

Look at what Bradford got, 14 years late, a downsized, already old fashioned, indie-free, McMall, compare it to the Victorian Qtr!



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Eh up
I live in the Aire Valley and at Shipley the train lines split, on weekend the trains to Bradford are pretty much empty, the ones to Leeds often standing room only.

Leeds is a very vibrant city, Pontefract has always had a busy weekend drinking culture (a lot of pubs in a small town center) but nowadays it is losing out to Leeds, the Saturday afternoon trains to Leeds are packed, the only downside is the last train is at 22:05 so it is even more packed, once in Leeds the choice of bars and eateries is quite overwhelming.
I loved the markets in Leeds when I discovered them, and felt that a person could live on a very small budget indeed by doing all their shopping there.
I bought 5 bananas the other day for 69p. And the "cheap fridge" had loads of bargains - I felt as if I could live on a very small budget - no markets were involved, neither was Leeds, just the local co-op/fuel station.


Über Member
Our new one in Chelmsford, got its own posh street too, Bond Street, the best thing about it is the street entertainment on a weekend.
I'm not sure what your point is. However, I do remember a carrier bag of bananas being a quid at the markets, and five sirloin steaks for a tenner. I don't think Waitrose could match that.
My "point" is that I got 5 bananas for 69p and there was loads of cheap food in the cheap fridge bit. And that I wasn't in Leeds, nor was I in a market. I also felt as if I could live on a very small budget. As I posted above.


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
Ooooo John Lewis, nice.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
If you need to live cheaply, you can, unless time is an issue, in which case you need to be even cannier.
Talking of bananas (and onions)...
...they're invariably cheaper buying them loose, even in Sainos, and you only need buy as many as you want.
Why, then, do so many people buy bags of the same?
p.s. I know the answer.
As to the Leeds OP, what was the question again? :whistle:


Leg End Member
Retail is changing and only the regional winners will survive, Leeds is that. I think Leeds is the 3rd biggest UK City isn't it? I think people forget that it also co-joined to the 5/6th biggest! Where do Bradfordians shop? I live in the Aire Valley and at Shipley the train lines split, on weekend the trains to Bradford are pretty much empty, the ones to Leeds often standing room only.

Look at what Bradford got, 14 years late, a downsized, already old fashioned, indie-free, McMall, compare it to the Victorian Qtr!

And the Kirkgate-Arndale Centre may soon be going. How long has that been there, mid 70's?


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Never used Über Member
The market is suffering a slow death and I've yet to see anything turning that around. It's a shadow of its former self and I can't see it surviving another generation as things stand.
I can't see that having the mecca of consumerism across the way will help, but who knows I could be wrong.

The fact is that people aren't going to trek into the city centre when they can get an almost unlimited amount of stuff at any number of nearer superstores a damn sight nearer home that offer free parking. And for those who don't drive, have you seen the bus fare into Leeds now? An adult day ticket is £4.20!
And when the council sold off the former markets car park and let NCP build a multi-storey that was another nail in the markets coffin given the prices charged.

Anyway, back to the OP - I can't see me making a trip to shop at the new John Lewis when pretty much everything they sell is available on-line from the comfort of my armchair and I've never been tempted to buy any of their wares yet.
I'm pretty sure that puts me in a minority - Mrs ND reports that the local paper website is full of pics of queues of gullible idiots, sorry eager consumerists, waiting to get in for a special 'preview' evening today. Good luck to them I say.
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