There is a market for it, it's how we started 'Abingdon Freewheeling' 4 years ago, we even made cakes to bring and share.
We organised a cycling festival with a local bike shop and weirdly about 100 people turned-up and we took 'em on road rides and MTB rides, from 4 miles, 10 miles and 27 miles with a halfway stop, so we did it again, and more people came and we had live music, and last year nearly 200 people rode
This year we have more bike shops involved, some local bike clubs, and we're taking over the town centre and closing the road, we'll be doing kiddies treasure hunts, the 10 and 27 milers, a beginners audax and a sporting ride.
This cold morning there were around 30 roadies in 3 groups, last week around 40. Some Thursday evenings we'll have 30 to 40 riders turning-up, we split 'em into groups by distance and off we pootle. We all finish in our adopted pub and get free chip butties in return for the beer we drink!
We're almost the antidote to cycle-clubs, it's not about the bike, it's about more people riding .... together, for fun. Anyone can advertise and lead a ride, Facebook makes it very easy.
If you don't find what you like in existing clubs (and there are many good ones to choose from), start your own, we did, one girl, 4 blokes, coffee and a vision.