New car disaster!

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
All these driving aids don't seem to reduce accidents as folk rely on them. Like this tool we saw on Sunday.




South Wales
Out of interest, what law would cover that?

It is indeed that section.

It would probably also fall foul of other regulations if it showed a speed limit which was different to the actual limit on that road.

If I'm right (which I'm probably not) that means it might be ok to have a 20 sign on your jersey or bike as it's not affixed to the surface of the highway, or any tree, structure or works as the law describes.

I think you are right, and that is also why the signs on the back of trucks etc. are OK. Thoiugh as I say above, I think the law should be changed to require those to not look like the legal speed limit signs.


Über Member
An expensive mistake!

Seems par for the course, would the location be favoured by premiership or stockbroker belt? Normally it's the socially mobile middle-class in their low brow Rangys' or German branded tw*t mobiles, but that's class actually with Italian excoticar ( pun),
Recently In Essex ,some foolish footballer tried to double park into a tree in his Ferrari, in the Epping forest, Effing fool!
Seems to me , they waste their wealth on fripperies like this, to be prize prannetts,.
The nouveau riche have no class ....


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
That's an issue for the manufacturers, not the environment in which they operate.

That some manufacturers manage it well (my Mini was perfect with recognising limits) demonstrates it can be done.

That the likes of Tesla, MG, VW (our MG is hopeless and so is my VW, but I've software disabled it in the latter) can't sort it in no way negates the fact that others can and do.

If people are that worried they should stick to buying cars from makers who've cracked it rather than complain after the event.

I didn’t mean the accuracy of “reading” the sign, or, otherwise recognising what the speed limit is, I meant the accuracy of keeping the vehicle at said speed eg 30mph/+/- x%


Senior Member
All these driving aids don't seem to reduce accidents as folk rely on them. Like this tool we saw on Sunday.

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View attachment 757319
(A bit off-topic) but in my experience such can happen when drivers get their first performance car. I know one person went out purchased a high performance Honda and within then 1st week had written it off.

In my "less mature" days I got a very high performance car (new, not 2nd hand, company purchased it for me) and I don't get into the "I'm a brilliant driver ..." daftness but recognised I had no experience driving such cars so before so I went on a course run my the manufacturer on their test track (full day, very high tutor/car to student ratio) and it was a real eye opener - learnt a lot you'd never appreciate without the instruction and actually doing and stuff you'd never do in a car you owned or were responsible for. We had one instructor with one car between 2 students and started day with new tyres and the tyres had to be replaced over the lunch break.



As long as I breathe, I attack.
trying to convince mrs ck that if we have a new car that we should have one from work as i can get one on one year lease for half the price of what you will pay for a dacia/ other entry level cars .
Latest excuse is she has never driven an automatic and it would be harder , ffs she is in the wrong gear about half the time in a manual and blames the car .
We have kind of agreed that the best thing to do would be to have a lesson in an automatic to get her used to one.


Über Member
Oh yes, very much so round there. As I was taking the photo's I could hear other 'super cars' being ragged !

I want you all to know I genuinely despair with the general car driving population, if they're not speeding , then they are parking where they shouldn't,, on the pavement, on 2 Wheels ,,if one driver does it then every other seems to think it's perfectly all right to do it, wrong lanes ,jumping light for no apparent advantage, near me are 2 traffic light controlled junctions, both one way roads with perfect sight lines, you can see the other side is at a standstill ,And yet they still jump the red, why ? Your not getting anywhere, regularly there are collisions with people doing this.
I also drive, but I follow the rules not disobey them, I never ever kerb my wheels to park or manoeuvre, even for emergency services, it doesn't make things any safer for them,, I will stop and allow them through, but make it obvious.
And yet these fools who buy these ostentatious off road vehicles are ones that always crawl across ' Speed bumps' park up on the verge or Kerb obstructing traffic and predestrians, just so their precious car will not get scratched or dented, do they not realise kerbing those expensive low profile wheels does so much damage,.

Sorry, I 've had my sqwarky rant and rage ,it'll ruffle my feathers and sit in the corner of my cage and quietly nibble my seeds & nuts.


Legendary Member
(I don't have an EV)
Do these cars also reduce speed when they pass those non-mandatory School Speed "limit" signs, the ones with the flashing lights that communities put-up where there is no such speed limit?

Most I've seen have the large "20" but not within a circle.


Not sure on flashing signs, but the adaptive cruise is very good if you're somewhere you're unfamiliar with as it'll drop the car to the speed limit for that previse area. Obviously speeding up to match an HGV sticker is less great!


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
A bit of searching around suggests it might be section 132 of the Highways Act.


If I'm right (which I'm probably not) that means it might be ok to have a 20 sign on your jersey or bike as it's not affixed to the surface of the highway, or any tree, structure or works as the law describes.

I am not a lawyer. Do not take my ramblings as legal advice or else you could end up looking like one of those Magna Carta nutjobs.
The first link appears to be aimed at advertising signs (it specifically mentions events and shops) that have no permission to be placed on the highway, whereas the original scenario was wheely bins (that presumably have permission to be there, at least on collection day) with fake speed limits signs.

Re the second link, I haven't had a chance yet to go through the 463 pages of the Highways Act. :rolleyes:

Does anyone have a link to action having been taken anywhere in respect of a fake speed limit?
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