You're conflating issues.
No I'm not.
The accuracy with which a car may recognise a limit is a separate issue to a driver being able override a limiter at whim by stomping on the go pedal.
That is the supposed reason why they are allowing drivers to override it. Not so they can choose to speed "on a whim", although it certainly does give them that power.
If car car is correctly observing a limit, and all other vehicles are doing the same, there are no circumstances where being able to circumvent the limit is necessary for reason of safety. Hurtling even faster towards danger is never as effective as braking way from it.
If everybody is driving correctly, that is correct. But it is not
quite always true, even if all drivers are within the limit. If a car comes out of a side road, and would hit you near the rear end, you might not be able to stop, but may just be able to get past by booting it. Very rare indeed, but not " quite no circumstances".
But the accuracy of speed detection systems is a matter in and of itself, and one that should have probably been resolved satisfactorily before compulsory limiters were mandate.
That said, all these vehicles operate in the same environment and are exposed the same external visual indicators and stimuli.
They are, but they don't all have the same software, and for quite a few years yet, many of the vehicles on the road won't have this system at all.
And of course, as always, the speed limit is a limit, not a target, sop many people will drive below what their limiter says they can do.
You will not find all vehicles driving at the same speed, even though they all have the same GPS and visual data.
And no unnecessary use of CAPITAL letters please. I'm not stupid, and research has demonstrated that such tactics actually make the less likely to be properly understood, doubtless the opposite effect to that which you intended.
The capital letters were just to emphasise that word. I could equally have bolded the words, would you prefer that?