new bike yesterday, some tips on etiquette please

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New Member
Took a friend out yesterday on his first ride on his new roadie, and he commented on how sociable everyone we passed was. Always a 'morning' or 'hello' from what must have been 20+ cyclists, horse riders, runners etc. I always nod, at the minimum, and will usually say hello as well, except if blowing out of my ar*e up a particularly tough hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STOP for red lights. Unlikely to happen, but if the old bill see you, you'll get a speaking to at best, and a fine at worst.

Motorists get acknowledgement if I feel they deserve it. Lorries/cars who've been behind me for a bit and then given me a good berth, definitely get an obvious hand/thumbs up, but I may just raise my fingers off the bars if it's not suitable to lift whole hand off.
The opposite also applies, if I feel that someone has come unnecessarily close or been impatient, I'll let them know, usually with a raised palm and a shout of some sort.


Cycle Camera TV
South Croydon
gregster said:
STOP for red lights. Unlikely to happen, but if the old bill see you, you'll get a speaking to at best, and a fine at worst.

Not likely, i got footage of old bill sitting at the front of some traffic at lights, cyclist goes across the junction through the red light. they did nothing.


New Member
West Midlands
Coming home from work and preparing to turn right into my street from the main road.

I had following traffic actually follow me rather than try to squeeze past for about 100yds prior to my turn and then I had a car driver stop and wave me across on my right turn (probably because of the traffic queue behind me but nevertheless).

Both got a smile and a wave, the car driver smiled and waved back. :smile:


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
1) Do not RLJ. It may not be dangerous to you, but it shows you up as an arrogant prat to the motorists waiting. You will need their consideration a bit further down the road.

2) If you want, make eye-contact with fellow cyclists, but do not expect too much in return. They are all miserable bastards .

3) Thank kind drivers generously



Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Can never quite get to grips with this damaging property in revenge stuff. My maxim is, if you feel so strongly that you want to fight, pick on something that can fight back. If it can, work out then whether fighting it is still a good idea. If it can't, then it was very unlikely to have caused the situation in the first place. I don't think mirrors are particularly well versed in self defence, so the sense of satisfaction is missing......


New Member
slowmotion said:
2) If you want, make eye-contact with fellow cyclists, but do not expect too much in return. They are all miserable bastards .

Hey! I'm not a miserable bastard! (most of the time :angry:) I might be one of those has "tunnel vision". I'm rather worried about traffic most of the time, being new. I don't mean to be rude...


I went out this morning and did about 25 miles around the Essex lanes. it can only be the sunshine bringing the best out in people. Every cyclist passed a greeting, as did runners (lots of them with the London approaching) and even the horse riders. An enjoyable morning, except for the exhorbitant tea prices in the cafe at Hatfield Heath.:angry:


Powered by caffeine & whisky
chillyuk said:
it can only be the sunshine bringing the best out in people.

I have to agree, been out on the bike the last 3 days and every cyclist (mountain and roadies) gave me a cheery "hello". I even got a wave from an on coming car driver i let turn right in front of me!


Senior Member
Sunny Wakefield
I also find that if you pull up at a red light near a lorry, turn round and give him a nod. Makes sure he's seen you, and you put off the moment when you become jam for a little while longer.

Very occasional RLJ from me- night time when they don't register your presance. Nods and waves a plenty, but tend to find I get acknowledged more outside the city. And at weekends rather than during the early morning commute.
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