ive sold a few flashy hoodies on ebay that they no longer use and just leave lying about.
In other respects theyre ok but property rights and looking after stuff theyre not good i agree.
Sounds to me as though you're fairly well matched...
ive sold a few flashy hoodies on ebay that they no longer use and just leave lying about.
In other respects theyre ok but property rights and looking after stuff theyre not good i agree.
Note to self, never cross MissTillyFlop.
Some people would pay good money for that.
Are these mates young males - like students ? Don't sound responsible at all. I have never lent my bikes to anyone, ever. Not even clubmates - no-one ever rode someone else's bike - it went as far as picking them up for weight and pinging the tubes.
I'd expect them to replace the wheel in this case.
The only time I nearly killed a clubmate was when in the Isle of Mann on my brand new bike, with full Dura Ace. The front downtube shifter on SIS levers doesn't sit flush with the tube, always remains partly raised - SIS was brand new then, and he forced the lever - which knackered the stop within the lever - I very nearly killed him. Fortunately I was able to repair the stop with superglue and a bit of plastic, and it's not needed touching in 20 years.
Hang on - they wrecked your bike, you stole their stuff and flogged it on Ebay?
Dunno about never lend your bike to anyone, but I wouldn't lend a tyre-lever to you!!
Sometimes i think people take materialism far to seriously to the point that it decays their essential human spirituality.
Its f*** all like lending your girlfriend to someone! If someone nicks your bike its gonna cost you a few. If someone nicks your girlfriend its gonna save you a few.
What, and you don't, to the point of committing theft? Or am I being vindictive once again?
Have you been vindictive before cubist ?
What i meant was we lay far to much emphasis on things , materialistic concerns often to the point where thought of the underlying humanitarian and spiritual considerations are entirely overlooked.
Just look at the legal system that you work for it notoriously punishes crimes against property far more harshly than crimes against the person.
Steal a pair of trainers and you get jailed , kill someone through dangerous driving and 2 years suspended.
Also is it stealing if the bloke dont realise its gone ?
New bike
lent to mate
mate accidently causes damage
steal mates stuff to sell on Ebay
What great friends huh?
SO you are excusing theft because the owner doesn't realise it's been stolen? Once again, I'm not going to debate this with you, but simply point out that however you dress it up, and however you rail against the legal system, you nevertheless have committed a crime. Your cavalier and dishonest attitude towards your housemates' clothing has been amply repaid by what one of them has done to your bike. If you are asking us to sympathise with you, then you are dreadfully misguided.
New bike
lent to mate
mate accidently causes damage
steal mates stuff to sell on Ebay
What great friends huh?