Never again from halfords

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Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
D-Rider said:
Aye. Don't get me wrong, I'll be buying through the scheme and that means Halfords so hopefully they'll be OK. I'm not really up to setting up / adjusting much on my own though so it'd be a pain if there were any problems.

Take it down to Alpine Bikes on Holburn Street or Anderson's Cycles‎ on Rosemount Viaduct and get them to check it out if you are not sure....


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
THe point is - and cannot be avoided - that unless the bike is sold with everything adjusted and working properly it is not fit for purpose, and at worst, potentially dangerous. Unless Halfords can supply properly set up bikes they should not be selling them at all. (Rant over!)


New Member
HJ said:
Take it down to Alpine Bikes on Holburn Street or Anderson's Cycles‎ on Rosemount Viaduct and get them to check it out if you are not sure....

Will do HJ. Although it'll be early next year... stupid scheme only lets me get a voucher in January.

EDIT: Nice brocken spectre BTW


Über Member
Plough Lane
Have a word with some of the local shops. There are a few down here that accept Halfrauds vouchers; there may be one or two in your area also.

Virtual DBP

Active Member
Fife, Scotland
my suggestion (after bitter bitter experience) to those who have to buy from halfords due to the cycle to work scheme is to get the bike and take it straight to their local dealer of the brand they have bought. e.g. i bought my giant scr from halfords as part of the cycle to work scheme.

my next advice would be to not only have the lbs service/set up the bike but ask them to check that all the components added are indeed the correct ones (e.g. i had the wrong chainring on mine).

and my third bit of advice would be to complain to your work that they have chosen halfords in the first place.


adjusting the cable is one thing but you should expect the stops to be correct

I know what they are in theory but I don't think I've adjusted a rear one yet
D-Rider said:
Just more worrying chat re Halfords. I'm planning to get a new bike via the cyle to work scheme. Would much rather buy from a LBS but my company scheme is exclusively with halfords.... Bugger.

I feel your pain.............

I've had to go through Halford's for exactly the same reason. And it was made clear to me that I couldn't "top-up" the £500 voucher value to get the bike that I wanted. Ended up getting a Carrera Vanquish which seems to have garnered some good reviews.

I pick it up tomorrow from the Malvern branch. Hopes are exceedingly low - the average age of the staff in the shopp appeared to be about 12 years old. I'm stressing..............:wacko:


New Member
BilboSmeggins said:
I feel your pain.............

I've had to go through Halford's for exactly the same reason. And it was made clear to me that I couldn't "top-up" the £500 voucher value to get the bike that I wanted. Ended up getting a Carrera Vanquish which seems to have garnered some good reviews.

I pick it up tomorrow from the Malvern branch. Hopes are exceedingly low - the average age of the staff in the shopp appeared to be about 12 years old. I'm stressing..............:wacko:

Be interesting to hear how you get on... maybe they'll be ok!

I took a wander round my local Halfords today... was underwhelmed by the selection. Was going to ask if they had a wider range not on display but the two young lads working were deep in conversation... something about how they couldn't be bothered setting up the bike some customer was coming to collect.... doesn't really inspire confidence.


Well-Known Member
This is common, they take yer cash and then they dont give a toss.I also have had big issues with Evans Cycles at Gatwick after spending £2000 +.
Most bike shops customer service is abismal.
I have just bought a new mounting bike from my lbs and after 2 weeks the rear break calliper is falling to bits


Corn Fed Hick...
...on the slake
I went to my local Halfords on the weekend (not for a bike!) for a socket adaptor and some brake cable. I spoke to an older chap in the motors bit and an older chap in the bike bike. Both of them knew what I wanted and pointed me in the right direction.

Usually when I go in there, which isn't often, you just get the sneering spotty oiks who no nothing - this time they got it right.

Good for them, for once!!!


New Member
Isle of Wight
Hilldodger said:
Halfords are bike shops and they have been since 1902 when the first one opened - so they've been around longer than 95% of current bike shops.
They have 300+ stores so there are bound to be more stories about them than a single LBS.

Plus, they currently sell over 25% of all bikes sold in the UK and have done for years. Must be doing something right.
You're having a laugh! That's like saying Microsoft must be getting something right due to the majority of PC's running sluggish resource hogging bloatware Windows, it's more to do with lack of alternative unless you're a nerd type into user un-friendly Linux. Most people buy a bike in Halfrauds for them being cheap and for convenience and through ignorance which included myself untill I learnt better of it. They sell bikes which are totally unsuitable for people's needs, i.e. full suspension heavy knobbly-tyred mountain bikes for road use. It's about time they started asking customers what they intend to use their bike for. I bought my mountain bike from Halfrauds because I wanted something cheap to get from A to B commuting to work, mainly due to the ever increasing bus fares being too expensive, now I realise I should have spent more and got a more suitable bike for commuting (I've bought a tourer/hybrid since online). I've also found cycling to be more enjoyable than I thought I would so it's more than just getting from A to B now and am prepared to throw more money at it.

I was also given misinformation from one friend of a friend and also a work colleague to which type of bike I should get, they recommended that I get a mountain bike, I'm not sure why I don't think they know themselves either! Especially the work colleague that also commutes to work using bikes other than a mountain bike - he should be in position to give better advice. I remember the friend of a friend telling me if I get something other than a mountain bike I'll be getting buckled wheels....All utter nonsense! :blush:


New Member
Like many here I am tied to Halfords as my employers have used them as the sole supplier for the C2W.

I would like to think that purchasing a bike just short of a £1,000 might be a pleasurable experience, however I was wrong. Halfords introduced me to the worst experience of 'customer service' I've ever had.

Agreed a discount then refused to sell the bike at the discounted price.
Went to collect my bike having visited the shop two days before & told it was ready and built, only to discover it had been sold to someone else when I arrived.
Poor bike set up, two hours of my own time getting it road worthy.
Revisited the shop as I wasn't provided with any documentation & I was handed a manual to someone elses' bike sold in January.

Best of luck when dealing with the customer service / complaints department as they have displayed the same inadequacies, I'm still waiting for manual & documentation 3 months on.
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