Nebuliser: finally had to accept defeat

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I've finally had to accept defeat and have come home from hospital (the severe asthma clinic) today with a nebuliser. Currently only for 7% saline to act as a decongestant to try to keep my lungs free from gunk and prevent me getting anymore infections but sitting looking at the equipment kind of brings it home just how bad my asthma is getting and how lousy a summer I have had with it :sad: I have fought really hard to avoid having one at home for so long now.

This now makes 8 sets of meds to control my asthma, or deal symptoms that agrivate my asthma and to top it off, I was put onto hydrocoritisone tablets last week (for life) due to my adrenal glands not producing enough (because of the steriods levels needed to control my asthma).

On the brighter side of things, I'm still commuting to my mum's tomorrow by bike - a 42 mile round trip.

Feeling rather sorry for myself right now; some of that fight has got up and gone...:cry:


Middle Earth
I've finally had to accept defeat and have come home from hospital (the severe asthma clinic) today with a nebuliser. Currently only for 7% saline to act as a decongestant to try to keep my lungs free from gunk and prevent me getting anymore infections but sitting looking at the equipment kind of brings it home just how bad my asthma is getting and how lousy a summer I have had with it :sad: I have fought really hard to avoid having one at home for so long now.

This now makes 8 sets of meds to control my asthma, or deal symptoms that agrivate my asthma and to top it off, I was put onto hydrocoritisone tablets last week (for life) due to my adrenal glands not producing enough (because of the steriods levels needed to control my asthma).

On the brighter side of things, I'm still commuting to my mum's tomorrow by bike - a 42 mile round trip.

Feeling rather sorry for myself right now; some of that fight has got up and gone...:cry:

Sorry to hear your Asthma is bad :sad:
On the up side, nebulisers do work really well. Enjoy your commute and take it easy!
You'd definitely fail a drug test as a professional cyclist now, even though you're not enhanced.

You don't strike me as someone who'll stay down, so wallow in it for a while, it feels much better then when you kick it off.


Well-Known Member
Not good but always people far far worse off to help put things into perspective. I knew a couple of amazing young ladies (in their early 20s) who suffered badly with cystic fibrosis and sadly passed away in the last year waiting for lung transplants so don't feel too sorry forself for too long! :smile::sad:
Sorry to hear that :hugs:, must have been why I missed the cakes on Sunday's ride?
I've got some form of lung test on Monday at the Countess, don't know what to expect or why they've taken a year to arrange one but ... :rolleyes:. Hope the nebuliser helps a bit.


Changed hemispheres!
Not good but always people far far worse off to help put things into perspective. I knew a couple of amazing young ladies (in their early 20s) who suffered badly with cystic fibrosis and sadly passed away in the last year waiting for lung transplants so don't feel too sorry forself for too long! :smile::sad:
I had a half sister who died of CF, and am currenlty looking a the possibility of a diagnosis of rare form of CF which does not kill in 20's but will cause big problems later on in life (one of the new sub-strains that have been recently 'discovered'). I think I will probably decline the genetic test at the moment - it just something I do not want to have to consider at the moment, not to mention some 'interesting' financial implications, or at least until everything else has been ruled out. It is still very early days for me at the severe asthma clinic - I have managed my asthma reasonably well all my life (except 2 attacks that I needed resuscitating) and I would like to rule out everything else first. I just don't think I can face the results of said genetic tests.

Depsite the distance figures for this year in my signature, I have been off my bike housebound for all of summer and most of autumn with my asthma & repeat chest infections - most of that distance was in the first 4 months of the year.
Sorry to hear that :hugs:, must have been why I missed the cakes on Sunday's ride?
I've got some form of lung test on Monday at the Countess, don't know what to expect or why they've taken a year to arrange one but ... :rolleyes:. Hope the nebuliser helps a bit.
I'm over at Wynthenshaw lung center.
The lung test, assuming it is the same testing, is OK. Just testing the lung capacity/strength/power behind you breathing all the way out and also all the way in etc. You get some instructions when and how to breath and repeat it several times with a thingy in your mouth connected to a machine - lost the words tonight! Mine, surprisingly, is well above average, mostly due to me being very active all my life. I'm down as a severe asthmatic - fair enough, I have been resuscitated because of my asthma, but I have tried very hard not to let it stop me, so this really feels like a backward step so to speak.

Sunday & cakes - hummm were you roading it through Delamere Forest or mountain biking - I was the later (sunday's we tend to mtb in winter) - like to get covered in mud every now and again.... but I have a dairy allergy (a serious one) and can't eat the cakes at any cafe :sad:
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Just testing the lung capacity/strength/power behind you breathing all the way out and also all the way in etc. You get some instructions when and how to breath and repeat it several times with a thingy in your mouth connected to a machine - lost the words tonight! Mine, surprisingly, is well above average, mostly due to me being very active all my life.

Sunday & cakes - hummm were you roading it through Delamere Forest or mountain biking - I was the later (sunday's we tend to mtb in winter) - like to get covered in mud every now and again.... but I have a dairy allergy (a serious one) and can't eat the cakes at any cafe :sad:

Thanks, if it is the same test (probably), I've a feeling my lung stats will be OK as I've been fairly active as well; it just doesn't correlate with how they feel at the moment - like breathing through a paper bag. Anyway, I've learned not second guess medical tests ...

Yeah, briefly passed through Delamere in the morning on the road. First time on a ride since the clots recurred in July & it looked muddy in the forest and the car parks were full. Legs & lungs were aching a bit, but did it so feeling reasonably happy.^_^ Seeing you've said sorry about the cakes (like Lance's apology), I'll forgive you.


I had a half sister who died of CF, and am currenlty looking a the possibility of a diagnosis of rare form of CF which does not kill in 20's but will cause big problems later on in life (one of the new sub-strains that have been recently 'discovered'). I think I will probably decline the genetic test at the moment - it just something I do not want to have to consider at the moment, not to mention some 'interesting' financial implications, or at least until everything else has been ruled out. It is still very early days for me at the severe asthma clinic - I have managed my asthma reasonably well all my life (except 2 attacks that I needed resuscitating) and I would like to rule out everything else first. I just don't think I can face the results of said genetic tests.

My Dad was diagnosed with one of the rare forms of CF in his early 60s. He had been treated for asthma throughout his life and always had very poor breathing. Doctors had always put it down to him having had pneumonia twice as a baby. Working in a very dusty environment probably did him no favours either. The coughing fits he used to take sometimes where he would turn blue genuinely terrified me as a child. Since his diagnosis five years ago and the correct treatment, his breathing is better now than I ever remember. Bad chests seem to run in his side of the family although thankfully I seem to be okay.
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