but I want lighter and faster...
Buy all means buy lighter - but if you buy 'faster' you will be wanting your money back...
but I want lighter and faster...
I'm pretty sure that a decent road bike is going to be faster than a MTB... I understand what you're saying but the change from an MTB to a road bike for road use usually yields a noticeable pace increase, and they certainly feel more rewarding to ride on road in my opinion.Buy all means buy lighter - but if you buy 'faster' you will be wanting your money back...
He says Roadbike in the OPIs he not buying another MTB? If he's buying a road bike then yeah, he'll be a bit quicker...
For years, I fixed up my used N+1's and sold them to fund the bills, so Mrs. GA knows what bicycles are worth. They paid a few mortgages and a dog operation or two, but I'm an old horse trader , as were my ancestors. I usually trade a cheap bicycle, fix it up, and seek a more expensive one in poorer condition for less, and trade to that, working my way up to something nicer, which then stays, after a few iterations. It takes a long time to get there. Family comes first, no matter what. Bicycles are right after family needs, though.
No ... it will be better than twice as good!!!I would love a titanium bike & keep looking at Enigma, but even doing 10k miles this year I can not justify (to myself) spending £2.5k+ on a bikeIs it going to be twice as good as my carbon bike???
This is how I justified my first road bike, although I started off looking at £500 bikes & said if I commute once a week it'll pay for itself, ended up with a £950 bike & hardly commuted to start with
I would love a titanium bike & keep looking at Enigma, but even doing 10k miles this year I can not justify (to myself) spending £2.5k+ on a bikeIs it going to be twice as good as my carbon bike???
You are 100% right. StillYou can't justify it.
You've been cycling for four months on a new bike and want another new one already, sounds like reckless extravagance.
Spend what you have on a family Christmas and be thankful for what you have. If there is any surplus in the new year start scouring the second hand market for a bike for your wife and a tagalong or child seats for the youngsters and get into family cycling.
You're no longer single, you're life is in another phase, enjoy it.
Buy it, what is the worst that can happen. You have an argument which will blow over, and you will have your bike. Or you could sell your current one to fund it.