Firstly I phoned the local branch to see if they had the ebike in stock.
Unbelievable but it went to a call centre in South Africa.
I asked to be put through to the can do.
Very efficient and confirmed there was one in stock.
So, I went to the local store WHICH IS BIG.
Conversation went (this is genuine).......
Me.. I have come to look at the ebike.
Assistant.....we only have one in and that is boxed.
Me....ok, when will it be available to see won't. We can't take it out and build it just so you can see it how do I get to see it. buy and pay for it, we will put it together, then if you don't like it you can have a refund.
Me... you seriously expect me to part with £2K without even seeing it ??
Assistant...... I will ask my boss but you will get the same answer.
Boss came and said that if I am genuinely interested he will get it built for me.
Me (not happy now)......let me get my head around this. Can you give me a direct phone number.
Him......afraid not, everything goes to the call centre in South Africa.
I have not totally discounted it but will make the 110 mile round trip to
Ribble tomorrow.