My saddle

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New Member
Can some one help my saddle is hurting me on long tt rides.
Its ok on 10s but hurts on 25s and is very bad on 50s its losing me time.


A new saddle may help but may not. New tyres and/or wheels could help as could a new frame.


Saddles are too personal to give advice on really as we're all shaped differently. Your perfect saddle is out there somewhere, but who knows what it is? Someone will be along in a minute to recommend the Blogs & Stratton B44 but you might find it even worse than the one you've got.


Über Member
Can you give us some more info! How is it hurting you? can you post a picture of it on here and show us how you have it set up on the bike as it may be something that can be rectified by changing it's angle/position etc. As a rough guide you should have the top of the saddle perfectly level from front to back (use a spirit level to set this) I have seen lots of riders saddles at some ridiculous angles and how they can ride them and find them comfortable is beyond me. Have a look at pictures of the Pro's bikes and you will see how they set them up - always dead level.

If you can stick some piccies on here it may help us to help you!

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