A first bike is probably the most difficult choice to make. You may have got it about right.
Pay too little and you get crap which may put you off the whole thing. On the otherhand you can get an expensive beautiful great value bike that isn't suited to your needs. And your needs may change as you get biking.
As other's have said - don't spend money on it yet. Just get biking. You may find it is sufficient for your needs. If you get enthusiastic on using a bike for off road/racing/touring then you will need a more specialised bike. It gives you chance to save up, justify and experience to make a great choice.
And the money already spent on your Apollo will not be wasted. Enthusiastic cyclists need a hack bike in the garage to take to places they wouldn't trust their dream bike or to cover for when it is in for repair or awaiting a component.
So enjoy!
Pay too little and you get crap which may put you off the whole thing. On the otherhand you can get an expensive beautiful great value bike that isn't suited to your needs. And your needs may change as you get biking.
As other's have said - don't spend money on it yet. Just get biking. You may find it is sufficient for your needs. If you get enthusiastic on using a bike for off road/racing/touring then you will need a more specialised bike. It gives you chance to save up, justify and experience to make a great choice.
And the money already spent on your Apollo will not be wasted. Enthusiastic cyclists need a hack bike in the garage to take to places they wouldn't trust their dream bike or to cover for when it is in for repair or awaiting a component.
So enjoy!