He went all quiet. So I did it anyway. Just in case anyone's interested, I used tiny nuts and bolts to secure the star emitters to the aluminium strip, with a smear of heat conduciting gunge between them.
Then I wired them up in series. I used a tiny bit of epoxy on each foot to secure the lens holders in place. (That's the lens holders' feet, not mine). The lenses clip into the holders, but not terribly securely, so I added further tiny blobs of epoxy to secure them further.
When that was all dry, it was straightforward to assemble the whole thing inside the case, which, as Fisha says is exactly the right shape and size. And here's the finished product:
It's about the size of a fag packet - try to ignore the other bikes and lights in the background.
It's a really excellent light, the best I've ever had. I just bought one of the new Busch & Muller IQ Fly lights, and I thought that was good, but this is an order of magnitude better - really bright with a good even beam. The 6 degree lens gives a slightly brighter central area, but it's subtle.
I've not tried the really expensive lights (Dinotte, Ayup and so on) so I can't compare it with those - all I can say is it gives all the light I could need, but cost about £30 all up. I commend it to the house.
Fisha (wherever you are) - thanks a lot.