I work in export in the perfume industry so my customers are manufacturers of body cream, eau de toilette etc. Many of them, especially the Africans, buy raw materials and packaging from China and there are numerous stories about short or sub-standard deliveries. In a consignment of glass bottles you can expect up to 10% to be broken thanks to bad handling and raw materials are seldom as sampled and agreed. The same goes for Indian raw materials as well, I'm afraid. Chinese goods can do the job if you're making a budget product (they are usually gob-smackingly cheap compared to the European product) but for it to work you MUST have an agent in China who goes to oversee the loading of the container and checks that everything is as described and agreed.
The reason why we are expanding our exports as fast as we are (typically 5% growth a year and now 96 countries) is that we guarantee batch-to-batch consistency, which is worth a lot to Africans for example, who are accustomed to being cheated and robbed at every turn of the way. Increasingly these customers are turning away from the allure of cheap China goods and buying more expensive but better quality European raw materials, which are more cost-effective because the customer is not buying then shipping useless diluent. The glass bottles will never stop though, as long as an Italian or French glass perfume bottle will cost you a dollar whereas the Chinese "equivalent" is a few cents.
There have also been some shortages of key industrial raw materials thanks to factory fires in China or because the production process is too dangerous and polluting even for the municipal authorities in that city and they have closed the factory down, depriving our industry of the feedstocks for certain crucial raw materials.