Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I have seen some self propelled lawn mowers. They are usually white although you can get some black ones. They seem to be able to mow right up to the edge and beyond. They seem to have a mind of their own, no petrol or batteries and are self fueling. :whistle:

Husqvarna makes one, we have some at work. They mow in a rather jaggy checkerboard pattern, and then go and charge themselves in a little docking station. They are quite thorough. Another brand has a lot of missed spots.


Vice Admiral
I have seen some self propelled lawn mowers. They are usually white although you can get some black ones. They seem to be able to mow right up to the edge and beyond. They seem to have a mind of their own, no petrol or batteries and are self fueling. :whistle:

The disadvantage with those is that they damage any plants that you would like to keep. However they do fertilise the grass on a continuous basis.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
24 hour exam has finished with just a few of those who have additional time still to complete by 10pm this evening.

I spoke with/e-mailed 34 students of my 150 whilst the support facility was open, plus some overnight messages.

That's more than usual but only a couple of those had real issues. Some dropped in for a chat in between answering questions.
It's a warm, muggy and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Have spent the morning writing The parental is happy with her lace pattern and has started making it.

I have not been able to get a stewarding gig for the Suffolk & Norfolk tomorrow. The show managers haven't even bothered to answer my emails offering my services, and all the other leads I've had have turned up blank. There was a moment yesterday evening when I thought I'd managed to sort something out, but the judge in question had found a steward five minutes before he got my message. A shame, because a friend has asked me to help her with her cats, but that's just a beginning / end of the day thing, and I'm not going all the way to Moulton to twiddle my thumbs all day. And because of the number of cats she's taking, I can't squeeze a bike in the car.

I did get an invite from a racing commentator friend to go to Snetterton, but I'm undecided. I will probably just have a quiet afternoon at home listening to the radio while puttering about in the garden or something.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
I have seen some self propelled lawn mowers. They are usually white although you can get some black ones. They seem to be able to mow right up to the edge and beyond. They seem to have a mind of their own, no petrol or batteries and are self fueling. :whistle:

And if they end up not working out, are quite good slow-roasted with plenty of garlic and rosemary :hungry:
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