Mundane News

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Re member eR
hair cut day!

which hair ?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Never got out for my hoped for trike trip. Decided to top up the car fuel tank ( 198.6p/ litre) and it started to rain before I got any further.
Noticed a missed phone call yesterday on my landline from a number which looked like the local hospital. Transpires it was a GP to discuss my last blood results taken the day before. Pretty quick.
It is not classed as urgent so now booked for next Tuesday.
Just a comment but we do not appear to have the same hospital problems in Oban as other areas. Coming out of a supermarket I heard an ambulance blasting through the town streets. While waiting in XRay dept a very confused looking old lady was wheeled in by an ambulance paramedic. After a few reassuring words he left and 5 minutes later a doctor appeared to talk to her. Five more minutes a porter appeared and she was off to a ward. I could not help overhearing her confirm her date of birth as that seems to be the way we now get identified. Shocked to discover she was 20 years younger than me.
When I left there were no ambulance queues.
I am not trying to make a political point or I would have put it elsewhere. Just a comment on everyday life.


Just spoken with Mrs Tenkaykev who is staying in a hostel in Gateshead. It’s chucking it down so she’s having a bottle of beer and a packet of crisps in the hostel bar as she can’t face the walk to the nearest pub.
I’ve made a start on the decorating, and have just wrapped up and opened a beer ( a white IPA ) 🍺


"More foggy"!
What's wrong with foggier?

I wasn't sure if "foggier" is an actual word. Judging by how my spell check kept trying to change it to other things when writing the previous sentence, I'm not sure it is.


I got The 39 Steps from the library this time so I can compare it to the play I seen recently.

I won't go for a bike ride tonight due to fog and a real risk of ice. There's ice on the top of the cars. Came out of the library and seen someone driving with a frosted over windscreen and using a smart phone.
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