Mundane News

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Just saw a pair of peregrines roosting a couple of floors down from the top of the Barclays International building in the centre of Poole.

is there a webcam?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Frustraited of Manchester....

I've managed to lose the mini bluetooth keyboard for the little media PC under the telly (we use it for Disney and downloaded movies as our SMART Telly stopped supporting Disney a couple of years ago). Been poorly with covid the last two days and I've not logged into work - been in bed.

It's only the size of a game controller, but thin. Can't find it anywhere, better check the fridge. :rolleyes:


is there a webcam?

Not sure, I’ll ask my friend as she pointed them out to me. Its a huge building in the centre of Poole but has been mainly empty for a while. I was told the Peregrines have been there about six years. There’s discussions about the future of the building as its a concrete and glass building from the 1960’s and probably has asbestos in it. In it’s heyday hundreds of Barclays personnel worked there and the top floor had a staff restaurant with magnificent views.
Grey, blustery and very squelchy here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, and had a free morning put aside to meet up with a friend and her dogs for our weekly walk. It was dry when I got up though it was obvious it had rained overnight. But just before we were due to meet, the heavens opened. We did try to have a walk, but gave it up as a bad job. She and I don't mind a bit of rain, but not like this. The wind is blowing it in sideways, so it's a job to hang onto the umbrella...

So came home early and didn't bother to go to the community orchard. It's just far too wet.

Going to have a quiet afternoon doing some writing I think, and watching the snooker. Although I do have to split a bucket of logs and re-stock the box of kindling at some point. Oh, and I've got to sort out two parcels and set up my new phone.

It is almost time for luncheon.


I had been expecting the mist to lift and leave a lovely clear day but it has just got more foggy.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I wonder if it's people wanting an emotional uplift in what's currently depressing news.

Something noted when I popped out to get some shopping late this afternoon - it's only the middle of November but some people have already got fully decorated & lit Christmas trees in their houses.

SWMBO mentioned getting the Christmas lights put out at the weekend. She was told emphatically "no". 1st December, at the earliest.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Corona throat now gone. Going to test myself in about 30 mins or so to see if still positive.

I didn't get that - mine has been like a really bad head cold, random tickly cough, but last two days (a week in from testing positive) felt absolutely awful and even walking upsairs had me breathless. Stayed in bed yesterday, then up around lunch today. Hopefully I'll log back onto work tomorrow and catch up.

Stinking headache this afternoon, and wasn't any use helping my daughter out with a software issue, just couldn't fix it. Fortunately she messaged one of her friends that knew the work around (a hack to some software my daughter needs, but there isn't enough PC's nor software for students, so one of them has found a hack so they don't have to pay out £120 - the 'wizard' was a bit awkward to run and a friend helped her through it) - Less said about the software issue - there has been a complaint gone in as they can't access software at Uni as computers are in use till 6pm, and they have a ton of work to do on it, so do it at home/halls in evenings and weekends. The course has been really popular, and they have run out of licenses.

Decided to order a new mini-keyboard. If the other turns up I can use it with my Arcade Machine !
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I wonder if it's people wanting an emotional uplift in what's currently depressing news.

SWMBO mentioned getting the Christmas lights put out at the weekend. She was told emphatically "no". 1st December, at the earliest.

My daughter is usually chomping at the bit to put deccy's up - trying to push for 1st December here, she want's next weekend, but we've too much stuff in the lounge from MrsF's mums house that needs sorting first.
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