Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Thirsty... So one last :cuppa: before bed.
They say it stops you sleeping, tea late at night.

Can't say I've ever noticed though.


Leg End Member
Chicken fillets for supper.
Made the nuggets in the air-fryer.
Hoping there's a bit less unrest tonight.
I should like to actually buy some things in the near future.
Another big department store looted last night.
I hope it quietens down for you over there, sooner rather than later.

On top of the lockdown, there'll be a few just venting their anger/frustration. Using what happened, as an excuse.


Legendary Member
Gah, internetty folk.....

Personal email has failed, can receive not send. Happened in last few days. Something to do with SSL security. I couldn't fix it (we pay for a fixed email for like £20 a year) so ask son. He works for a big IT company, oh yeh, we've had the same with clients as the SSL security has changed at weekend - not that they knew either. I've had to raise a 'ticket' with the host.... can't see me being priority at £20 a year... Web mail still works....

My wife was not happy at me for her computer (always my fault) , I had a look, checked settings, nope, same as me, then tested sending emails, nope... called the Techy from his bedroom, er no, you need to log a ticket.... :blush:
Meanwhile I've given up trying to update my TomTom's map as the servers are constantly busy apparently.

I told you, NS&I broke the internet yesterday.

Morning! I’m very late, it’s trying to rain. And I haven’t had my tea yet!


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's recycling bin day, today..
I wonder where the chaps will leave it once it's been emptied!


S W France
Another action packed day ahead began at 5am this morning when the dogs went loopy about a perceived "threat" outside. Just for good measure they repeated the performance at 6am and again at just before 7. At which point l gave up trying to sleep and got up , made coffee and sulked !
It's going to be a hot day , predicted 26-30 c and with thunderstorms later . I just trapped a finger while trying to shut a door in a hurry , all in an attempt to keep the dogs inside so that they don't have a go at the man who is operating a mini-digger near the house trying to dig a drain.
All in all this is shaping up to be "one of those days":sad:
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