Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I am not wearing socks


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Gah, internetty folk.....

Personal email has failed, can receive not send. Happened in last few days. Something to do with SSL security. I couldn't fix it (we pay for a fixed email for like £20 a year) so ask son. He works for a big IT company, oh yeh, we've had the same with clients as the SSL security has changed at weekend - not that they knew either. I've had to raise a 'ticket' with the host.... can't see me being priority at £20 a year... Web mail still works....

My wife was not happy at me for her computer (always my fault) , I had a look, checked settings, nope, same as me, then tested sending emails, nope... called the Techy from his bedroom, er no, you need to log a ticket.... :blush:


Legendary Member
Just for a change, work today involved having to engage brain and do some thinking. Manual calculation of duty payable on beer of various bottle sizes, quantities & alcoholic strength (£19.08 per hectolitre for each 1% of ABV if you are interested), which is all very well, but difficult when the only information you are given is "we have 6000 bottles of mixed beers, do you know how much they should be paying?". Two hours later and with a full beakdown of quantities of bottle sizes and ABVs supplied, I was able to show (with workings) the duty was underpaid by around £4000 +VAT so the lot was forfeited.


Legendary Member
What is Hectolitre?
100 litres

As opposed to Hector's House
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