Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Hmm, Ernie appears to be taking a gap year.

Meanwhile, my car is now officially filthy though it's only been about 3 months since its last wash. I may get round to taking it to the car wash - I'm up on the 5th floor so not so easy to do it here. Or I may not.

Surely you could just throw a few buckets of water with shampoo/washing up liquid down on it? From that height it'd possibly be the same thing.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
🪣 🧱🧱🧱🧱
🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱🧱 🚗 Bucket up here, car down there.
I was having a tinker with a couple of old watches. I was using the binocular microscope thing to see what I was doing . Not sure of the magnification but it will make a cocktail stick half the thickness of your little finger . I was busy trying to straighten a kink out of a hairspring when a Georgie decided that I needed his help . :wacko: Apparently cocktail sticks need chewing !
I thought I would just see what the price of a Zenith crown was on the net . The knurled winder bit on the side of a watch . Mine seems to have been replaced by a plain one . £100+ :ohmy:

Wifey says crocus
Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 6.27.12 AM.png

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln

Yes. Be sure and harvest your saffron.
It's a mild, breezy and grey day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but it took me an age to get to sleep as my brain refused to turn off. I have (largely) had a kitchen morning, and included in the tasks was making a large pot of leek & potato soup. That job lot of leeks I bought on YS previous week are keeping really well.

I shall have to turn lengths of firewood into logs this afternoon, as I've only enough left in the garage till about Monday, and with colder weather forecast again for next week, I want to build up a bit of a stash.

It's been one step forward, three sideways and two backwards with the short oval segment of my archive. Part of the problem is the poor quality of the reports from race meetings in Short Circuit magazine - particularly noticeable when used to Autosport and Motoring News. And just when you think you've nailed something down, you find bits in later issues that appear to contradictory, so it just keeps chucking up far more questions than answers. Aaaargh! And I've now got to work out where I can find Northern Irish hot rod results from late 1984...

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.
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