Mundane News

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don't leave snips open & laying around in your basement when you are working on your bikes. reached for something on the floor & just grazed the snips & got a nice bloody slice on my thumb last nite. what a dope
We have some white stuff this morning so nice and crispy for my morning perambulation. It gives some grip for now

I like it cold & crispy. gonna get wet & sloppy here over the next cpl of days


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Nearly time to go for lunch. Was thinking of popping to one of the Xmas Market's for a pint of over priced beer before meeting my colleagues, but it's flaming freezing. Might find a pub instead.

In my excuse I've not been near the market's this year, but a quick pint will cure the itch and make me realise it's not a good pint and just gassy !


A colleague has just come in a bit shaken. Her car literally went up in smoke this morning on the way in - filled the cabin. AA called, but they are busy, so she had to abandon it. Sounds more like a blockage or something rather than a fire ! Not what you need on a frozen morning.

Happened me once in a MKI Golf but it could very easily have turned into a fire. I was thinking "I wonder what that burning smell is" when suddenly the whole car filled with acrid smoke so I pulled over and quickly disconnected the battery.

It turned out that part of the wiring loom had rubbed through on the support bracket for the steering column. A dashboard out job and a lot of soldering in new wires to sort out and I re-routed it so that couldn't happen again.

It was easy enough though. I'd hate to have to take the dashboard out of a modern car to try and repair the wiring loom. :surrender:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
OK, this was a bad idea. 25 minutes of walking heat has vanished in 10 minutes, and I'm starting to freeze whilst drinking cold beer. :ohmy:


Ref underground cables, I understand from an installer of such items that records kept for such things are not to be relied on, so frequently, investigation work has to be done prior to any further dig to avoid cutting into already installed cables.
Apparently due to folk not knowing how to write things down accurately or use a tape measure correctly. :whistle:

Many years ago Barclays built a Data centre on the outskirts of Poole. Not all that big, two storey building. It was built on land that had HV grid cables passing overhead, but not near to the building. Nevertheless they paid to have the cables rerouted, you can see them terminated into insulated cables on the pylon, they then go underground and up the next pylon.
When working I’d ofter carry a “ Volt Stick “ voltage detector ( along with proper test equipment ) There were high voltage lines crossing the road that led from our unit and when approaching I’d wind the van window down, hold the voltstick outside the cab window and watch as the tip turned red and brightened as we drove under the overhead lines.
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