Mundane News

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Anyway , I think I was correct in my original diagnosis of a bottom bracket fault.:laugh:



Itching to get back on my bike's
Granddaughter duties have finished till Wednesday afternoon.
Been a grey drizzly afternoon and more forecast so another damp underfoot evening and early morning
It's actually not been too bad a day weatherwise here. Cool, still and mostly grey.

Took advantage of the break in the weather to spend the day lumberjilling and stocking up the wood bins in the garage and the house. So I've hauled, sawed, split and stacked, and know I'm cream crackered. Have also bled the radiators as I noticed they weren't heating up as they should. And then I noticed that someone had knocked the water feed valve on the system to "closed". That'll be the parental with the vacuum cleaner, most like...

Now sat here with a :cuppa: and a chocolate biskit watching a bunch of blokes play with a funny-shaped ball.
Local farm shop sometimes has egremont russet, never see them in the supermarket.

Waitrose tends to sell various heritage varieties of apple. Most of the others don't - unless they crop up in the bags of wonky fruit or in the very posh range. Russets are not the prettiest of apples, and really, you do have to peel them as the skin's a bit tough.

I've actually got an Egremont Russet tree in my garden, but it's never done terribly well.


Cold and damp out so i've got heating on for 1st time since summer. :sad:
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