It's actually been a very nice and relatively mild autumnal day here chez Casa Reynard.
I overslept (oops), but I spent the morning in the community orchard having the leisurely footle that went out the window yesterday. When the weather's clement, it's SUCH a lovely place to be. I picked a basket of New Rock Pippin apples - a lot of them came down in yesterday's gale, and some of the fruits are splitting as a result of the excessive rain. So when I ran out of basket, I took off my waterproof, knotted the arms around the collar to make an impromptu bag, and filled that too...
They are really tasty apples mind, and if stored well, will keep till May. I find it mindblowing that this variety was developed shortly after Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, as the apples are so much nicer than anything that's in the supermarket. The food commentators of the time praised the variety for its flavour and keeping qualities, so that's good enough for me.
Discovered that there were a few slices of gammon still left in the fridge, so I had those in a sandwich for luncheon, along with a pear, an apple and two
Went off erranding this afternoon, which included a trip to the post office and picking up mum's prescription. And we did have a brief rain shower here just around sunset, but it came with such a magnificent rainbow...
I now have a

and a chocolate biskit.