Mundane News

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Sitting on hold for ages. I have a recoded message saying my call is important to them. If my call is important to them, why don't they try employing some staff to answer it?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Interesting sky out front at the moment!! 😎
You were right, you're "not that fast".
25 minutes on a bike for a ten minute walk.

I had to make dinner first, you know.

BTW, have you put our hills back?
It's been a lovely and mild if somewhat blustery autumn day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but woke up with a stuffed head and a sore throat and generally feeling meh. Hey ho... Anyways, the whole morning went down the can on parental chauffeuring duties - most of which was spent kicking my heels in town waiting upon Her Mumship's Pleasure.

Well, I did spend the time thinking, and I now have a to-do list for the Higman project, more or less (I hope) in the right order. It should give me the focus to get things done, and in the instances where I don't quite have enough information, ask people who can fill in the missing pieces. The list is now written down and stashed in my box of parts. A lot of it seems to be suspension & drivetrain related...

I've spent a chunk of the afternoon copying stuff from my archive that my motor racing historian friend needs for an article. I'll parcel that up in an e-mail and fire it in his direction in a bit.

Anyways, a :cuppa: would be mighty fine right now.
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