Oh dear, it's a good job you are going to the physio later.I am very sore. How a young lady that petite can be so robust is beyond me....
Oh dear, it's a good job you are going to the physio later.I am very sore. How a young lady that petite can be so robust is beyond me....
Cycle more?Yes, I'm afraid so LOL
I do too much driving to risk having a glass, and consequently I simply fell out of the habit.
In my very limited horticultural knowledge thems look more like tulips than rhodiesI've been gardening in a T shirt, having started with a jacket and a jumper. Rhododendron that's been overhanging the fence between us and next door has now been severely cut back to allow for the new fence. I have managed to keep it in a nice shape, all big cuts have been taken back so they don't show amongst the newer growth. Lots of weeding to finish now.
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In my very limited horticultural knowledge thems look more like tulips than rhodies
You were lucky - it's normally devilishly windy up there.We went to the seaside for a day out and a bit of a change of scenery, I should have taken that stuff that gets rid of grey as it was so overcast and misty, we couldn't even see the Isle of Wight from Mudeford. It was cold, 10 degrees C. We watched the tide coming in and some peeps fishing for crabs from the nice warm car, we did however venture out for a short walk along towards High Cliff. On the drive back we saw some Bluebells flowering.
Cycle more?
That's no good, I'd be wobbling about all over the place...![]()
Well, I *am* short...Though I suspect I could give you all a fair run for your money if the beverage of choice happened to be tea.
Truth of the matter is that I simply don't drink alcohol.