What kind of puppy? Apart from a hungry one...My puppy is suffering from EBS ( Empty Bowl Syndrome)
As soon as food is added, it's gone and she looks up, with baleful eyes, saying "Was it then!?"
What kind of puppy? Apart from a hungry one...My puppy is suffering from EBS ( Empty Bowl Syndrome)
As soon as food is added, it's gone and she looks up, with baleful eyes, saying "Was it then!?"
Bichon Frise 5½ months old 🐶What kind of puppy? Apart from a hungry one...
Our black bin was emptied today.
Years back I had a bread and butter pudding made with lemon curd. It was utter bliss.
In other mind-blowingly mundane news, I am documenting all our household car journeys for a few weeks to see what we can change.
Wait whilst you get up in the morning, they'll have put the for sale sign on your property.The house up the road is now on the website for an Estate Agent. When I clicked on the street view, I get a close up of my house, not the one down the road. I think I will ring the Agent, and tell them it will be confusing for people. It is not easy on street view to see the house numbers.