Sinus infection. Whole left side of my face feels like I've been punched.
$600HK, about 55 quid, to see the Doc.

Be grateful for the NHS.
As a sufferer of chronic sinusitis for the last decade and a bit, I can give you a few self-care tips xxx I only go to the quack when I'm really struggling.
1) Acupressure. The two pressure points you want are (a) under your cheekbone and (b) the combo of the roof of your mouth and the bridge of your nose. You will need to apply a bit of welly, but that will help to drain the garbage that's stuck in there.
2) Steam + Olbas Oil.
3) Paracetamol (can't comment on Ibuprofen as it makes me throw up, so I don't take it)
4) Hot water bottle.
5) Over-the-counter steroid-based nasal spray for hayfever. Something like Beconase or the generic version (beclometasone dipropionate). That will take a few days to kick in, but it will take down the swelling.