Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Stormy overnight, but instead of raining all the day, it may clear after 10 a.m.. 5:00 now, with wind and thunderstorms. Almost an inch of rain overnight. I got in a nice ride before the rain yesterday, rode to the grocery store. I was attacked by a goose en route. Luckily, I had a bicycle with front racks, so he got to make his point without harming much of anything. I also saw a great blue heron in his mating plumage, eating a fish.


Note the bulge in his neck in the lower picture. That is the fish. The white streaks among his feathers are the fancy mating plumage.
Oh dear! I read that as Jason Bourne's Swan Lake ! :wacko:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way

I took the bike in the car to Oxford, where I saw lots of colleges and en route saw an astonishing number of red kites.
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