Dark, stormy and with flurries of hail and sleet but it does appear to be just about above freezing. The wind makes feel much colder though
A day off work
I'm just waiting on my porridge to cool a little before consumption. I will venture for a walk around town and buy a few bits and pieces for Christmas before they become stupidly busy. I may need to consider digging my scarf out from somewhere in the depths of my wardrobe.
I had planned to go out on the bike but unless the weather improves I don't think it would be particularly enjoyable. I might go somewhere in the car now that I'm allowed to go stray more than 5KM from home.
Heaven forbid I might have to buy petrol for the first time since the beginning of October

A day off work

I'm just waiting on my porridge to cool a little before consumption. I will venture for a walk around town and buy a few bits and pieces for Christmas before they become stupidly busy. I may need to consider digging my scarf out from somewhere in the depths of my wardrobe.
I had planned to go out on the bike but unless the weather improves I don't think it would be particularly enjoyable. I might go somewhere in the car now that I'm allowed to go stray more than 5KM from home.
Heaven forbid I might have to buy petrol for the first time since the beginning of October