Mild, grey and rather squelchy here chez Casa Reynard. It only stopped raining about an hour ago.
Spent the morning loading the crockpot with the sauce for tonight's enchiladas, have prepped the veggies for the same and did some more work on the freebie FD.
Had a lovely lunch consisting of one slice of wholemeal toast with pate d'ardennes, one slice of toast with jarlsberg cheese and the pan scrapings from yesterday's chutney, half an avocado, a very fine conference pear and two
This afternoon I went to visit a friend who lives at the other end of the village. We had a good socially-distanced chinwag on her drive (umbrellas at the ready!), and we did a swap - a jar of my tangerine marmalade and two packs of wholemeal spaghetti for a dozen fresh free range eggs from her Maran chooks.
Those eggs will go down a treat with the gravlax I've currently got curing in the fridge.