Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I completely forgot to mention, this morning, that when I de-stoned my prunes to put in my yoghurt, it turns out that I'm going to be a beggar man!!


Über Member
Quince pears, or japonica quinces? I have one quince pear tree, but never get anything useable off it. :sad:

This year though, I'm up to my eyeballs in some stonking bramleys. Some of them are at least six inches across! Picked some t'other day - making apple & date chutney tomorrow.

Quince pears ..... some nearly as large as the Bramleys this year. Membrillo & apple pickle (Bramleys instead of sour mangoes in an Indian recipe) galore.
Puddy cat is home. She's quite wobbly and not sure what to do. Just before she'd been collected she'd ended up sat in her own pee, poor thing. She's had her lower belly shaved where the incision is, rather than her side.

Awh, bless her. :hugs: Give her a gentle head rub from me xxx

Ah, mid-line spay, then. Wise on pointed cats, as shaved fur on the flanks tends to grow back much darker.
Absolutely ..... my favourite 'membrillo' moment is when the whitish granular pulp turns deep pink as it is being cooked. Heavenly fragrance.
Two trees - one old, and a second planted about 3 years ago to replace a standard dessert pear. Both were full of fruit this year.

Ordinary pears don't do very well out here in the fens - soil's all wrong and it's too exposed. I do get fruit on my pear treas, but it's the sort I can sell to the military for ammunition. My quince pear tree is sheltered, but it's never done much of anything.

Apples and most stone fruit, on the other hand, are much more reliable.

Oddly, pears do very well in the village, but the soil there is clay.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Awh, bless her. :hugs: Give her a gentle head rub from me xxx

Ah, mid-line spay, then. Wise on pointed cats, as shaved fur on the flanks tends to grow back much darker.

Forgot the terminology - yes it was midline. Luna was actually flank, but she's grey, not white, and they did it in a way you couldn't see the shaved area as her fur is quite long. Kyoto is still pottering about and raiding the dried food, a little at a time.
I make toasted cheese sandwiches in a frying pan. It does not seem to take much longer, and the washing up is easier.

I've done that too. What you get is closer to what the Americans called "grilled cheese"

Though I currently use one of those George Foreman grilly things. Couldn't find a small pannini machine, but picked up this 2-portion grill on sticker in Tesco for a tenner. You have to be careful though, because the plates are at an angle, and if you leave the sandwich in just a fraction too long, you get a cheese waterfall... :whistle:
Forgot the terminology - yes it was midline. Luna was actually flank, but she's grey, not white, and they did it in a way you couldn't see the shaved area as her fur is quite long. Kyoto is still pottering about and raiding the dried food, a little at a time.

She'll be right as rain in the morning. Mid-line does take longer than a flank, so hardly surprising she's a bit wobbly.

The dark fur post-shave is a curious phenomenon that only affects pointed cats. Contrast of points to body fur is temperature-dependent, so cats from warmer climates have paler body fur than cats from colder climates. You really see that with Siamese. And of course shaving creates a cooler patch on the skin, ergo the fur grows back darker.
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