That's correct. Monteux, France. Are you confusing it with Montreux, Switzerland by any chance?
I thought
I thought it looked like race fixing to me .
Having mistakenly bought sea salt crisps when I wanted salt and vinegar, I am now experimenting with dunking them in cider vinegar. It doesn't quite work but it's still preferable to plain salted. I wonder what dunking them in Worcestercershirencester sauce would be like.....
Ok,seeing as no one's guessed correctly,or even hardly guessed at allA virtual prize for guessing what caused this hole and my swollen ankle folks.🤔
View attachment 545869
I'm one flight from the top and there are guys working on the roof with drills. At the same time, they're enveloping the building with scaffolding - something about replacing the architrave. There are now scaffolding poles outside my bedroom window. I'd better keep the curtains shut tomorrow. Much noise and disruption. But at least our guys slope off around 4pm. Replacing fire doors after 9pm? That is bonkers!All the firedoors in my apartment block need to be replaced and someone is working on mine right now and making a dreadful racket..