Mundane News

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
My local beer and wine supplier is slacking. He has not provided any for a while now and stock is depleting fast at Hill House.

I may need to interview for a new one :whistle:


Vice Admiral
I have been very busy in the garden today, mostly decomposing!

I have over the past two years put too much cardboard in the largest compost bin, so I have been digging into the compost, thereby sort of stirring it, and removing the large pieces of cardboard. It sounds messy, but wasn't really. Good compost is dryish and not wet and smelly. I also did some weeding and cutting down of dead foliage.

So I am now very tired in a pleasant way. I will be consuming some white wine later and watching the English version of Wallendar with Kenneth Branagh. Well, Kenneth will not be next to me on the sofa, you know what I mean.

It occurred to me that I could start a thread called "In your garden: February and March". Do you think anyone would join in?
I've just been going through my Pictures file on my laptop and discovered this one. The water in the background is the North Sea at Arbroath. What the absolute feck were my parents doing giving me a mask, snorkel and flippers and setting me off into the North Sea???!!


edit - I could not dismiss the possibility of that object on the right of the picture being a turd.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I do most of the cooking in our house !
All of it, currently. Although Mrs. GA has a little tiny dormitory refrigerator next to her with some ham sandwiches for lunch, but I make all the meals while she is in a cast, or bring them in. No great transition, as I usually do anyway, since I was 17 and my Ma was ill, then died. . It was either cook or starve, as my Dad had no talent whatsover for cooking. Four years at uni was great. I only had to cook Sunday nights when I lived on campus.
Feck me...

Nae wonder I have nightmares
I do all the cooking chez Casa Reynard. And all the grocery shopping.

Just been going through the fridge in prep for going yellow stickering in Tesco tomorrow. I have a punnet of jerusalem artichokes that I need to figure out how to use up. Other than in the ubiquitous soup, that is...

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I do all the cooking chez Casa Reynard. And all the grocery shopping.

Just been going through the fridge in prep for going yellow stickering in Tesco tomorrow. I have a punnet of jerusalem artichokes that I need to figure out how to use up. Other than in the ubiquitous soup, that is...
Here's an easy one. Almost as easy as growing them.
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