Mundane News

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Especially when someone doubles back.

Yes... Reverse gear is very useful :laugh: And ducking down an empty aisle.

Although the latter tactic resulted in the odd snaccident... :whistle:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
On a seriously non-mundane matter, let's all wish Boris (love or hate his politics) a speedy recovery, and that his fiancée, Carrie Symonds remains safe and well..


Legendary Member
You do know it's 50 calories per mile cycled. ;) To work that lot off, you'd need to cycle from Jenkins Towers to Casa Reynard near enough... :laugh:
Approximately 1700 calories based on the nutrition info panel on the pack, so something like 35 miles. Which means that you'd need to supply another cake when I made it to yours to account for the difference :laugh:
Follow the system, like everyone else!
Suppose you meet someone coming the other way, who'd had the same idea.

In theory it would work fine if everyone behaved the same. Alas people don't, which introduces that random element.

Trouble is, the system doesn't account for "ditherers" who loiter for ages trying to think about what to choose. It would work perfectly if people had a list and just took what was on the list and moved on.

IMHO better to avoid any sort of unnecessary contact.
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