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Un rouleur infatigable
Bear with it. It's worth that early pain, really.

The pilot is pretty pants when you compare it to the series, and I'll be the first to admit that, but do watch it carefully, because it does lay in a fair bit of groundwork. This is one of the things you get with Babylon 5 that you *don't* get with Trek; because it was conceived from the get-go as a novel for TV, it's just like getting stuck into an epic like Lord of the Rings or The Wheel of Time. What seems like a throwaway line from one of the characters can then hold great weight several episodes or more further down the line.

Without spoilering you, there is a bit almost at the end of the pilot which starts a very important plot thread that extends all the way to the end of season 3, ending in probably one of the best ever episodes of the entire story arc.

One thing that is great about Babylon 5 is that many of the actors are from a stage rather than TV background, and it really adds a refreshing dimension to the whole watching experience. I usually play "spot the B5 actor" while watching Trek. There are about fifty who have done both to look out for. ;)

And lastly, to quote Ambassador G'kar from the episode "Mind War": Let me pass on to you the one thing I've learned about this place. No one here is exactly what he appears. Not Mollari, not Delenn, not Sinclair, and not me.
Agreed on both counts re: the pilot: it generally gets into its stride later although there are occasionally points where dialogue stumbles in later episodes it improves. Many more likeable and interesting characters gradually turn up as the first series progresses.
I shall stick with it then based on your recommendations and expertise.

It was strange though hearing the distinctive voice of Sub-Commander Tomalok from STTNG (The Enemy, The Defector, Future Imperfect, All Good Things) coming from G'Kar's mouth.

I didn't get chance to finish the pilot, but will do and proceed to episode 1 onwards.


I'm watching "Bones".


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
As so many people are staying at home, Admiral insurance have very few people in their call centre. They advised that it could take up to an hour to answer my call. You have to ring up to re-new as you can't amend the policy to re-new on-line, but they ask people to only call within 1-3 days of the renewal date to free up as many people for urgent calls.

So, this morning I called and waited patiently with all the documents open on my laptop.... at just over 50 minutes someone answered, in my panic at someone actually getting to speak to someone I pressed the wrong button on my mobile and cut them off...... Ahhhhh!!

So having a cup of tea and a jaffa cake before starting again.
Got fed up holding the second time, Mrs A_T got a cheaper quote with Direct Line on her laptop so Admiral just lost our business... never liked them anyway!


Legendary Member
Got fed up holding the second time, Mrs A_T got a cheaper quote with Direct Line on her laptop so Admiral just lost our business... never liked them anyway!
Just make sure the barstools don't have you on auto renew

I’ve been using Direct Line for a few years now, every year they have been cheaper than the next nearest quotes. Last year the premium only went up by £8. This year it was £30 more, but I had bought a brand new car.
Today's theme in the photo challenge is "patterns"


I visited my wood pile to take this. For anyone interested, the timber is ornamental bay.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Unusual problems crop up now. A care home near Oban have a 6 month old Labrador pup being trained as a companion dog for the ancients. With staff shortages and the general current chaos my daughter in law had in the past offered to look after this pup in emergency. The care home felt that at the moment they could not cope with it so it arrived on her doorstep last week. They already have a very large and boisterous 3 year old Polloywollydoodle or some such make. It is now delighted to have a playmate equally daft and the pair of them are rioting around constantly and driving her mad she says. She swears that they are definitely finally having no more dogs.
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