You mean after getting one of the cows looking straight at the camera for you, you forget what you were looking at!!Spooky! You are correct it was the Calne Model Railway Exhibition but the airfield has thrown me. There was a WW2 themed layout with Spitfires parked on a hill. There were 3 old RAF camps near Calne, Yatesbury, and 2 others which I can't think of their names at the moment.
Hello *tap*tap* Can you hear me? *tap* Is this thing on?
I appear to have a working laptop at last.
How far away from your Mum are you going to be? Further away or closer? Just thinking she will wonder why her gardener takes longer to turn up in the morningsOxford - she's been working there for 2 years and we decided it might be nice to spend a bit more time in each other's company
Woohoo found my multitool-it's important to always keep your tool close at hand
Woohoo found my multitool-it's important to always keep your tool close at hand
I have done the ironing, cleaned the lounge and boiled 4 eggs. My chores are complete.