Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Not much wind this morning.



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
All the new tech that I have installed over the last few years has been a doddle, I am about to install my latest toy, this one however involves Microsoft, so expect a couple of hours of expletives.

Just setting up wife's new laptop - insurance paid up after cup of tea incident. What's taking a while is restoring her old files, 4 hours to go. There's a lot of them but all safe with Carbonite. Switched off most of the Win10 garbage and refused their kind offer of a Micro$oft email address to log in with.

Microsoft Security Essentials may not like it.

Why use anything else?

Anyway, after an hour we are about 50% through loading the critical updates. Each of our tablets were up and running in less than 5 minutes. MS still don't get it.

I'm sure the wife's didn't take that long.
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Just setting up wife's new laptop - insurance paid up after cup of tea incident. What's taking a while is restoring her old files, 4 hours to go. There's a lot of them but all safe with Carbonite. Switched off most of the Win10 garbage and refused their kind offer of a Micro$oft email address to log in with.

Why use anything else?

I'm sure the wife's didn't take that long.

i restored my tablet to Factory default...what a palaver. .


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
I've got a Roku stick on the TV, works well. I wanted the Hub on the tablet for when my Good Lady was watching TV and I wanted to watch catch up, I've already got the Hub on the main computer. In the end I did a full factory reset and installed everything from scratch, I'd tried all the fixes and nothing had worked.

Same here, Roku, powered off one of the TV's USB sockets. Also an old Apple TV but that doesn't do ITV.


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
I've woken up rather confused. I was dreaming when I was half-asleep (I was aware of the 'rents getting up) and forced my self fully awake. No, I didn't forget my meds. I checked.

In other news, I'm going to my sister's for tea. The girls are all squee about meeting new puppy Murphy, some sort of spaniel. Apparently he likes toes.

Right, time to get up...
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