Okay, do I take my bike to the job interview next month?
In favour:
The interview location is about 3k from the railway station. I could get a tram, which runs every 8 minutes from the station to a stop not that far from the place I'll be interviewed in 7 minutes, but I have to find said tram, then find the way from the tram stop to the interview.
With 30 min from the train arriving to the interview appointment, that means a rush to the tram and a rush to find the interview.
On a bike, it also takes 8 min, along largely traffic free streets, but I can start straight away and ride straight there. I have a map and I'm pretty sure I won't get lost.
I'd be travelling on the tram in rush hour.
Freiburg is known as very cycling friendly and the route is mostly on cycleways or traffic free routes.
I'll spend the day in another town so I'll need a lift there and back. If I don't take the bike, I can probably get a lift straight back to the main station for my train. If I do take the bike, I'll need to go to the office again, and then to the station.
I'll need to schlep the bike all the way there and back, including at least one change of train: this means steps.
I get a free ticket on the tram in Freiburg, but carrying the bike will add to my train fare.
Cycling in rush hour.